Home & Garden

How to get rid of a wasp nest in your home

Wasps are pesky insects that can be difficult to get rid of, especially when they build nests in or near your home. They are annoying, aggressive and can also be dangerous if not handled properly. So how do you safely remove a wasp nest from your home? There are two options when it comes to removing wasp nests in your home; the DIY route or hiring a professional. A professional team can get rid of the wasps and prevent future nests whereas the DIY route will require some leg work on your part. To help you out; here is a guide to safely get rid of wasps nests in your home. 


Identifying the Wasp Nest

The first step is to identify the species of wasp that has built its nest near your home. There are many types of wasps, each requiring different removal methods. Some wasps are more aggressive than others and require extra caution when removing them from your property. Once you’ve identified the species, you’ll be in a better position to know how to handle the situation.

Wait for Nighttime 

The best time to attempt getting rid of a wasp nest is at night when the wasps are least active and more likely to sleep. Ensure all windows and doors are closed so no other insects or animals can get in while trying to remove the wasp nest. During this process, get proper protective gear; it includes thick gloves, long-sleeved clothes, face covering and safety goggles. In addition, consider getting an insecticide with active ingredients like pyrethrin or resmethrin when gathering supplies. 

Removing the Wasp Nest

Once you have identified the species, you must figure out how best to safely and effectively remove it from your property safely and effectively. Depending on where the nest is located and how accessible it is, different methods may work best for you. For example, if the nest is located in an area that’s difficult to reach, then using an insecticide may be the best option as it will allow you to target only the wasps without affecting other animals or plants in the area. On the other hand, if the nest is located in a more accessible location physically removing it may be easier and more effective than using an insecticide.

Use Insect Repellent 

Once you’ve located the nest, spray it with an insect repellent that contains permethrin or cyfluthrin. It will help keep the majority of the wasps away while you’re attempting to remove the nest since it will repel them without killing them immediately. When spraying, ensure you cover as much of the area around the entrance and exit holes as possible since this is where they’ll most likely try to escape from. It also helps if you stand back slightly after spraying so that any stray wasps won’t come after you directly.

Remove The Nest Properly 

When it comes time to remove the wasp nest, there are several ways to go about it. For instance, you can take a garbage bag and cover the wasp net. Next, detach the wasp net and seal the bag with the nest. Or use a vacuum cleaner with an extendable hose attachment or a dustpan and carefully suck up the entire nest from its entrance hole. You may have to use some force if needed, but just make sure not to damage your vacuum cleaner or dustpan. Once all pieces of the nest have been removed, dispose of them in an outdoor trash can or bin away from your house so that no other insects or animals can find them again later on.  

Preventing Future Wasp Nests

Finally, once you have removed the wasp nest from your property, preventing future infestations is important. It includes sealing gaps or cracks around windows and doors where wasps could enter your home. You should also keep food sealed tightly and remove any standing water that could attract them into your space. If possible, it’s also helpful to plant certain flowers or herbs around your property that deter wasps, such as peppermint or lemon balm, as these fragrances naturally repel them away from your home.

Wrapping Up

Getting rid of a wasp nest doesn’t have to be scary. With some basic knowledge about identifying their species and safe removal methods, anyone can effectively get rid of a pesky wasp problem without risking getting stung or injured in the process. However, if you find it difficult to handle the removal on your own you can hire a professional team to get rid of the wasp nest and take preventive measures to ensure no future nests form near or in your home. 



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