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Home Is Where It’s At: The Advantages of Desktop Computers.


Photo Credit via Google

Laptops and tablets may be the big sellers in the personal computer world but for many people the sturdy desktop computer is still a necessity. Some people don’t like to be on the move all the time and like to have a fixed place to work. Some people because they don’t like to mix business with pleasure, as might be the case if they were to work on a laptop. They’ll tell you that there are many advantages still to be had from that reliable and powerful desktop model, and here are a few of them:

More power for your money You may have to sacrifice on portability but the larger, desktop computers have a big advantage over tablets and laptops in the form of additional memory and  managing and governing your program securely. Your table-top model will boast lots of memory space, but it’s very easy to add random access memory (RAM) if you require it, If you really want a boost in your Desktop then you may consider Xtra PC to boost up the speed of your desktop you may read reviews also here about that device: https://www.holgadirect.com/xtra-pc-reviews/ . For children who like gaming this is a bonus, especially with those PC games that you have to download and store on the computer. The plentiful memory space also means better performance and higher specification processors mean faster operating times when multi-tasking.

Less expense for a computer Desktop computers provide value for money when compared to the price you’ll spend on today’s mid-range laptops. For the purchase price you’ll receive a bigger screen and a full-sized keyboard, and of course you don’t have to worry about the battery running down. With tablets and some laptops you won’t receive an optical drive, which means you won’t be able to play DVDs. The DVD is a big bonus for parents; children can watch a film on the computer contentedly as well as listen to music that has been transferred from a CD to the hard drive.

Longer life expectancy Most laptops last around five years at the most. This isn’t the case with desktop units and you’ll find some people still using the same model almost a decade later. Your larger home PC will be sturdy and reliable, and because it’s not portable you’ll have less chance of dropping and damaging it. Desktops are also easier to repair than laptops, mainly because they are much simpler to get into. If your laptop screen burns out then you may have to replace the entire unit whereas a new monitor for your desktop computer is inexpensive to buy and no hassle to plug in. In the end it all comes down to personal choice and you can always choose to have a tablet or laptop as a back-up option or secondary device. Your desktop model should provide your family with reliable and stress free use for many years to come.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

One thought on “Home Is Where It’s At: The Advantages of Desktop Computers.

  • I would love to experience an Apple Computer, I have an Acer All-In-One desktop that I have used every bit of 5 times, it’s not a good computer, and it has not worked properly since I first bought it about a year ago. I would love to try out the Apple Computer, I’m sure I would have a better experince and would be able to use it more and enjoy the Apple Computer more then my current compter.


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