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Health & Fitness

Health is POWER!! Give POWER – Immune System Booster A Try Today

Having a strong immune system is a must and it’s truly vital to your health. A strong immune system will allow your body to fight off many illnesses and will help to reduce long term serious medical conditions like infections, organ failure, germs, various flus and much more. When you have a strong immune system, your body can work properly protect you.

Now that I have become older, I find my immune system has weaken and those colds/flu’s I use to be able to ward off are much difficult to do so now. Just this past weekend we had the worse weather in history, our temperatures were that of Vortex where we were -30/-40 below.

That’s pretty darn cold if you ask me and even though we had a state of emergency to stay indoors, I still had to go outside just to start my car every day. Well, before long it was upon me I had finally caught a bug….a bad cold that has left me down for over a week.

Flu season is amongst the hardest time on the human body because your body is fighting 100 percent of the day. Even when our bodies fight, its best fight there is still a high chance that we will catch a cold or worse….the flu! The best way to help ourselves is to prepare our bodies and that is where Power – Immune System Booster comes into play.

The benefits of the booster are off the charts especially for someone who likes to work out and use other supplements.

The most important benefit of this booster by Power is the fact that it enhances the ability of our immune system to absorb essential vitamins that help fight off the flu. It also has something many other booster supplements don’t have , it’s called BioPerine”! “BioPerine” has been shown to enhance your body’s absorption of numerous vitamins and minerals, including Power’s Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, and Selenium. It also enhances your absorption of dietary sources of Iron, the enzyme CoQ10, beta carotene, resveratrol, and curcumin.

While the absorbed vitamin promote antibody protection, there are more micro-nutrients that are absorbed to strengthen your immune cells. That being said, while you are on the go, between the gym workouts, this supplement is working out your immune system! On top of health benefits, the booster also aids in healthier skin by providing your body with Vitamins A, C, E and Zinc all which are included in Power to assist the body in enhancing skin barrier function. Who doesn’t want an extra barrier of protection right? Power has your back.

Using the booster couldn’t be easier! Power – Immune System Booster comes in a powder (Orange Burst) form that can be mixed with virtually any drink that you are already drinking.

As if the ease of using the booster and its benefits aren’t enough, it is also diet friendly! The booster has 0 carbs, is sugar free and is gluten free this area of booster is perfect for me being I am a diabetic and must watch my sugar intake!

In summary, protect yourself and be the best version of YOU this flu season. Use Power – Immune System Booster and benefit from one of the best decisions of your life! Mix with your drinks at the gym or at home and notice a difference in how your body responds to viral threats during this time of the year. Remember you’re taking the necessary steps to enhance your immune system with Power and studies have documented that the intake of Vitamin C can decrease common cold occurrences. Supplementation with Vitamin C has also been demonstrated to stimulate the immune system by enhancing T-lymphocyte proliferation. Vitamin C may also play a significant role in the regulation of inflammatory response.

So, don’t wait visit Ultimate Nutrition today to shop for your Power – Immune System Booster , prepare for that cold and flu season way before it hits!!




Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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