
Glass Bongs vs. Glass Bubblers: What’s the Difference?


What is a Glass Bong

Many people nowadays have started to get into the habit of smoking different types of substances such as herbs, cannabis, marijuana, and others. Smoking has become an aesthetic for some people, which has caused the creation of the emergence of the smoking community. 

The increase in the number of people who smoke herbs and other types of drugs has caused companies that produce smoking equipment and supplies to dig more into their research and development sectors and come up with new ways of smoking equipment – one of them being bongs and water pipes. 

Bongs and water pipes are products designed to provide the most satisfactory smoking experience for users. By using water pipes and bongs, people have started to enjoy all of the processes that go into the smoking experience. In other words, to use a water pipe or a bong to smoke, people are required to fill the product with the necessary supplements – such as the herbs they wish to smoke and water. 

Generally, a glass bong consists of a bowl piece where the herb is stored, a water chamber, and a mouthpiece. Nevertheless, there are some types of glass bongs that are compromised of other components; however, those additional components add certain features – such as a smoke filter – and increase the quality of the product.

After all the components of the glass bong are filled with the right supplies, smokers will have to light the herbs by themselves and enjoy the smoke. 

What is a Glass Bubbler

In addition to the glass bong, a glass bubbler – most commonly known as a bubbler – is another product that is designed to provide a better smoking experience for users. 

Even though both the glass bubbler and bong are similar to each other, there are some eye-catching features that differentiate the products from one another. 

To further elaborate, most glass bubblers come with an additional component, which is the carb hole. The goal of this feature is to allow smokers to clean the smoke that circulates inside the bubbler to have a better hit the next time they inhale smoke. 

Before making a purchase, it is essential to understand the differences and similarities that each type has. Here are some of the other differences and similarities between a glass bong and a glass bubbler.

Differences between Glass Bongs and Glass Bubblers:

1- Material of the bong 

Even though the term “glass” bongs is mostly used, there are many different types of bongs that are produced using different materials. For instance, there are ceramic bongs, plastic bongs, silicon bongs, and many others. However, the bubbler is mostly made out of glass.

Thus, when choosing what type to purchase, it is important to understand your preferences of what materials are best to smoke with.

2- Price of the products

Secondly, one of the most identifiable differences is the price variations between each type. Bongs tend to be on the more expensive side of the price range of the substitute products. So, if you are a new smoker and want to test out the products, investing in a bubbler is the cost-effective option that will help you understand whether you prefer to smoke using these products. 

3- Shape of the products and its size

Most people have started to prefer bubblers over bongs since bubblers come in smaller shapes. So, bongs are known to be larger and have different shapes when compared to a bubbler. 

4- Portability and easy storage

As mentioned beforehand, bubblers are much smaller than glass bongs. For this reason, bubblers are known to be products that people can easily carry because of their small size and are easier to store. 

5- Water filtration

The large size of a glass bong allows people to smoke a more filtered smoke. In other words, by using a glass bong, when smokers inhale the smoke, the smoke will circulate inside the water chamber – which is conveniently larger than a bubbler’s – allowing them to inhale a cooler hit. 

On the other hand, when people use a bubbler to smoke, the smoke will also circulate inside the water chamber; however, the small size of the chamber will cool the smoke on a lesser scale. 

6- Maintaining and cleaning the bong

Cleaning a smoking device and maintaining it is an important part of a smoker’s smoking experience. Cleaning will allow smokers to have better smoking experiences each time they smoke, and thus, it is considered an important step. 

Cleaning a glass bong is more complicated than cleaning a bubbler since the glass bong has additional and larger components, which takes more effort and time from the smoker. 


To conclude, deciding between a glass bubbler and a glass bong is mostly based on a person’s preferences and what features they are looking to get out of the product. 


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