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Home & Garden

Don’t Put Your House On The Market Just Yet!

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 You might be thinking about selling your home this year. Perhaps, you’re looking to move to a bigger place, or maybe you are climbing up the property ladder. You might even be moving due to a new job somewhere else. Whatever the reason, you shouldn’t rush putting your property on the market. This could be a massive mistake because if your home isn’t ready, it’s going to make the wrong impression. If that happens, you’re not going to see any interest from potential buyers. That’s bad enough, but if you don’t get any bites within six to twelve months, it becomes a nightmare scenario. Buyers will assume that there’s something wrong with the property without even looking it. Your only option will be to take it off the market and put it on again, represented by another company. The issue here, of course, is that even if you do use a second company, savvy buyers will still be able to find out whether your home has been on the market before. You have to get it right first time, and there’s a few things you need to think about.

 Curb Appeal

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 The first impression that buyers get of your home is the most important. You have to make sure that they are dazzled and delighted as soon as they see the property. Essentially, it needs to be love at first site. Your first job is to make sure that there is no area of your home that needs repairing unless you’re selling it as a fixer upper. You can market a home as a fixer upper. What you can’t do is hope to sell it at market price. Make sure you’re paying particularly close attention to areas like the roof. If there is an issue with your roof, you may have lived with it for years without it ever being a problem. We guarantee a buyer will notice.

 That’s why you need to get it fixed before you even think about putting it on the market. Don’t try and make repairs like this yourself. The best possible scenario is that you don’t make it any worse but fail to fully repair the problem to a professional level. Instead, you should use a business like Able Roofing. With a company like this, you can get a quality roof repair that won’t stand out to potential buyers. And, if they don’t ask, you don’t need to mention it either.

 Interior Design

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 You might think it’s silly to dress up your home with the latest furniture and accessories. After all, when someone buys your home, they’re purchasing the four walls, not what’s inside it. But you have to remember that when you sell a home, you’re marketing a dream. You’re showing buyers what it could be for them if they lived there. So, you have two options. You can empty it out completely and give them a blank canvas to work with. It’s an attractive possibility, but it can present the idea that you are looking for a fast sale and will lead to lower offers. Or, you can think about setting it up in a way that maximizes the potential of your home. Buying new furniture isn’t really a waste of money either because it will be going with you when you move.


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 You need to make sure that any furniture that you use does fit the home and doesn’t look out of place. You also want to avoid over cluttering the property. If you do this, you can make even the largest house look cramped and small. A good rule of thumb here is to make sure that every piece of furniture in a room has a purpose for being there.

The Right Time

Make sure that you’re putting the house on the market at the right time. If the housing market crashes and you’re not willing to sell your home at a lower price, you shouldn’t put it up while you wait for the market to rebound. This is going to cause the issue that we presented at the top of this post. Instead, you’ll have to wait with the home still off the market. There’s nothing wrong with this as it gives you time to improve the property and if there’s no important reason to move, why bother rushing? You’ll be able to get a better price and more offers for your home in a few months because the market always bounces back eventually. You just need to make sure your property is one of the top choices when it does.




Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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