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Choosing a Courier Service for Your Online Store

Who wants to receive a parcel five days after it is due? Who likes receiving a package the day after it is due? Better yet, who likes receiving an item on the very same day it is due? Interestingly, the answer to these questions-even to the last-is no one. Although we are satisfied that the package got delivered on time in the last scenario, we want things to move fast. Even if we check “standard shipping” during checkout, we want the illusion that a courier will deliver the items faster than scheduled.

That’s why finding the right courier is important for an online store. You cannot depend on the ones that offer the cheapest rates. They must have a fleet management system that will ensure that their vehicles are well-maintained and ready to deliver your packages. You need to look at their experience, rating, and history. If they have been receiving bad reviews because of late deliveries and damage to the packaging, scrap whatever partnership you have with them and find a new courier.

Look Beyond the Big Names

FedEx, Yodel, and UPS will get your packages to your customers on time. They made their businesses out of being dependable. But the high cost of delivering items through these big companies can also hurt your business. Customers don’t want to spend on shipping fees, especially if they’re buying an item not more than $30. To pay $10 for a $40 item is insane.

At the same time, you cannot shoulder or subsidize the shipping fee. That will eat up on your profit. Look beyond the big and trusted names in the industry. There are plenty of courier services that would want the chance to prove themselves. Some are eagerly awaiting your call. You can negotiate the price point better if the logistics company can lock you in a yearly contract.

Use Multiple Couriers

Although it is practical to use one courier for all your delivery needs, it also makes sense to partner with multiple logistics companies. Many of them will be more cost-effective for parcels of bigger dimensions. Some of them will offer greater price points for smaller packages. You also need to find out which courier services can better deliver in certain locations. These might be the best ones to partner with if they can pick up the packages from your store or house at any time of the day.

Make International Shipping Connections

If you are selling to customers outside the country, it’s best to begin making connections now. You don’t want to delay the delivery of parcels because you don’t know which freight forwarding company to use. Be proactive in looking for courier partners in countries where your customers live.

You should also declare the goods online so that they won’t get held up by Customs. All packages coming in countries must undergo Customs inspection. This controls the importation and exportation of goods. If you don’t declare the package online, they will be subjected to the rigorous process that holds up thousands of parcels.

Update Your Customers

Your customers will love to know the whereabouts of their parcels. You will retain customers better if you know how to satisfy their need to know when their parcels are arriving (or whether they have already been shipped). This is crucial to the success of your business.

There are plenty of ways to enhance your shipping process. These are designed to help your online store attract new customers and retain old ones. In time, you will reap the rewards of looking for a reputable and dependable courier service.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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