
Acceptance Now Collections: What Are They and Why Should You Know

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Have you made a rent-to-own agreement with your local retail store just recently? Has someone been calling to inform you of unpaid rental payments? That must be Acceptance Now Collections. It is best to know that dealing with them as soon as possible is the best way to do so. You wouldn’t want extra baggage for yourself, don’t you? 

Acceptance Now showing up in your credit report might hurt your credit score badly. Not only that, you must feel harassed after receiving calls and emails almost every day from them. Having enough knowledge about collection companies is one of the best ways to avoid running into them. You may read more on how Acceptance Now Collections work here:


What Is Acceptance Now Collections?

Acceptance Now Collections is a small-scale debt collection company legally operating in Texas. They work by financing retail products without requiring credit from their consumers. You only have to pay your monthly payments, and you’re good to go. 

They also offer funding’s on the following appliance, furniture, and retail stores. Showrooms such as these allow their customers to pick any item they desire and, instead of buying it directly from the store, Acceptance Now pays for it instead. 

  • ABC Warehouse
  • Rooms To Go
  • Home Décor Outlets
  • Ashley Furniture HomeStore
  • Furniture City’
  • Market Warehouse Furniture
  • American Signature Furniture

The company then leases the item back to the customer, safeguarding the store from any possible disputes. You may have availed yourself of one of these offers and noticed the listing of Acceptance Now on your credit report. This issue may cause your credit score to hit rock bottom. Follow this to temporarily remove Acceptance Now on your credit report. 

Should You Pay Or Negotiate A Settlement With Acceptance Now?

Negotiating a settlement or just paying a collection company might be the easiest way to deal with Acceptance Now. But, unfortunately, it is not. By doing so, you are only making the situation worse. Any record of collection agencies on your credit report will still affect your credit score for as long as seven years regardless of payment. 

What you can do is to seek help from a reputable credit repair company instead. They have deleted negative credit entries from several clients already. Besides, communicating with debt collection agencies will not only give you discomfort, but you might spend more money than you’re supposed to. Make sure to save yourself from this headache.

Should You Contact Acceptance Now Collections?

Nothing good will ever come out with communicating with any debt collection company alone, especially if you have done it on impulse. You would want to sit down and think of your options first before dealing with them. The one agency you should contact first is a credible credit repair company. 

Complaints Against Acceptance Now Collections

Acceptance Now has had numerous complaints filed against them with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Better Business Bureau. Almost all of the complaints include harassment, inaccurate reporting, and failure to verify a debt. 

If you find yourself facing issues with Acceptance Now, you might want to consider filing a complaint against them. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act give you the liberty to exercise your rights as a consumer. 

Consider seeking legal help to easily dispute the claims of any debt collection agency following after you. By doing so, there is a possibility of negative items being deleted from your account. Your credit score might be back to normal, thus, making you now qualified to apply for home, car, or credit cards. 

Can Acceptance Now Collections Sue You?

Though not all the time, there is still a possibility that Acceptance Now might sue you. Once this happens, it will hurt your credit score pretty badly and might give future lenders a bad impression only by looking at your credit history.  

Seeking legal help is always the best answer there is for you. Working with a professional will ensure you have valid and accurate updates regarding your credit entry. You may never have to deal with Acceptance Now once a professional get your account fixed. 

Can Acceptance Now Reacquire Your Property?

Acceptance Now Collections can reacquire any rented appliances in your property. But, they need a court-issued order first before entering the premises of your home. If ever Acceptance Now threatens to reacquire your appliances, challenge the validity of their charges. This action will be made easier if you have a professional to back you up.


It is easy to forget your bills, especially if you have other responsibilities to take care of. And dealing with excessive phone calls from collection companies makes you want this nightmare to end as soon as possible. Getting the right kind of help will help lessen the burden on your shoulders. Never hesitate to seek their assistance. They would be more than willing to do so.


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