
8 Ways to Enhance Your Next Moms Night In

Are you looking for a way to make your next mom’s night a bit more exciting than the average movie night? Look no further! Here’s a list of eight ways to enhance your next get-together with your girlfriends. 


     1. Spa Retreat

What better way to relax as a mom than to treat yourself to a bit of pampering? Unwind with your friends by bringing the spa to your home! Light candles and add soothing essential oils to your diffuser to set the mood. 

Have everyone bring their robe, favorite lotion, and nail polish to make the spa experience complete. Consider providing face masks for your guests or Epsom salt for a foot bath soak. Both options will make the spa experience feel a little more real and will help your friends unwind from the stresses of being a mom. 

     2. Book Exchange

Crack open a bottle of wine and have a good old-fashioned book exchange with your friends. Highlight each book you’ve read, giving a mini-review. If you tend to read Ebooks on a Kindle or iPad, you can still offer title suggestions to your friends. Many libraries offer free subscriptions to the Libby or Overdrive app, with thousands of virtual titles available. Book exchanges are a great way to explore different genres and try out new authors. 

     3. Make Your Own Cocktail

Want to ramp up your mom’s night in? Have a make your own cocktail party! Before you invite your friends over, decorate your space, making a great playlist to set the mood. Consider a signature cocktail that you think your friends will enjoy. Ensure you have the proper ingredients, and also get a cheese board that you think will pair nicely. 

Once the moms arrive, lead them in a demonstration of how to make the signature cocktail. Next, allow them to try their hand at making the cocktail. Now for the final and best step – have fun and enjoy.

     4. DIY Crafts

Do you want to try making your own candles? What about a wooden spice rack? Or a farmhouse paper towel holder? Chances are your mom friends saw that Pinterest DIY craft just like you and want to give it a try too. 

Invite your girlfriends over for the evening and spend time together working on an ongoing project. Or if everyone is between DIY crafts, decide together on a project you’d all like to try to accomplish together. Someone can serve as the leader and model the steps for others. All you’ll need is the right supplies, a proper workspace, and a little time. 

     5. Baking Night

Who doesn’t love a baking night? Set up your kitchen in advance and stock your refrigerator with eggs and milk. Ensure your cupboards are packed with baking soda and powder, flour, and salt. Ask your friends to bring any additional supplies needed for their recipes, i.e., the chocolate. 

Once the moms arrive, get to work. Baking nights are a great way to learn new recipes and try out different desserts. Make sure you have plenty of Tupperware containers so everyone can bring home samples of their hard work! 

     6. Virtual Wine Tasting

If you want to add a little pizazz to your next mom’s night in, try a virtual wine tasting. Many virtual tastings are offered through Zoom. The appeal of a virtual wine tasting is that you can explore a winery around the country or world and be back to sleep in your bed later that evening. Do note when you register for a virtual tasting, the wines aren’t always directly included in the price, likely making this a more costly mom’s night than other options. 

When you sit down to do your tasting, the vintner will greet you. As you sip, the vintner will explain a bit about each wine and what flavor profile you’ll experience. Your friends will love to explore a palate of new flavors while learning about the history of a winery.

     7. Fondue Night

Fondue doesn’t need to be retro – bring it into the 21st century and your next mom’s night! Fondue typically centers around melted chocolate or cheese. It’s up to you to decide if you want your fondue night to serve more as a dinner or dessert. Either prove to be delicious options. 

If you choose fondue as dinner, use goat or fresh milk cheeses that melt quickly. Serve it with a baguette and boiled baby potatoes. Pair it with a Riesling, Prosecco, Pilsner, or IPA. 

If the moms demand chocolate fondue, use semisweet or bittersweet chocolate for melting. Serve it with fruit like strawberries and bananas, and consider pairing it with pinot noir, porter, or bourbon. 

     8. Accessory Exchange

Go through your closet, pick out the clothes, purses, and shoes you never use, and clean them up. The next night in can be an accessory exchange between moms. Clear a space in your living room to show off all gently used items. When your friends arrive, give them time to arrange their things as they best see fit. 

Have all moms return to the kitchen for their beverage of choice. After, they can return to look at the accessories and pick out ones they’d like to exchange. Let the moms explain a bit about the specific items and swap as they best see fit.  

Make it Your Best Mom’s Night Yet

Every mom deserves a night off! Take time with your friends to make it a memorable evening. Try any of these ideas to guarantee your next mom’s night in the best one yet. 



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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