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NH News

7 Cool Tricks to Find Promo Codes Online

It’s the festive season, and the air smells broadly of one thing – extravagant shopping and merry spending. Problem with most people is they spend too much on things they don’t necessarily need and mostly end up paying more for it than they would have actually done. We understand the need to shop and we are here to ensure your shopping experience changes for the better from now on. Below, we’ve passed on some of the most amazing tricks experienced online shoppers use to secure sweet deals for themselves and make more purchases using less.

  1. Abandoned Cart

A pretty easy trick if you ask me, though I cannot give you the full guarantee that it will deliver the expected results. Retailers often go crazy whenever a probable shopper goes through their site in an interested manner and fails to make a purchase. They will try several ways to woo you back and win your wallet. Next time you go shopping, make sure you’re signed in already to the particular site so that they can identify you. After you’ve added goods in your basket, leave the site and keep a check on your emails. You might just be surprised by coupons before the sun goes down.

  1. Dynamism of Pricing

Using your cookies, marketers and retailers might price products differently in comparison to another shopper. They may charge you higher depending on your location, spending habits and preferences, which might suck especially if things have changed for you. The best way to prevent them from determining your price point is to erase all cookies and logging out from your own account. Alternatively, you can shop while on an incognito tab to prevent the cookies from auto-saving during your searches.

  1. The Best Coupon Apps

Whether you’re shopping for groceries or machinery for your business, you’re in luck. The development of IoT has seen apps being set up that provide you with all the coupon deals for your online shopping. For instance, a Novosbed coupon code could be easily found in the RetailMeNot app. Other such like apps include YipIt, Shopkick, Coupon Sherpa and Groupon.

  1. Be on the Look on Social

Organizations will enter into public competitions as a publicity stunt and also as a means of gaining more followers. So, instead of enrolling for your retailer’s newsletter and then wait for fate to play its course, follow them on social and check out what they have to offer.

  1. Automated Shopping Tools

Why walk when you have your own private jet at your disposal? Why shed all the sweat when you have automated shopping tools that automatically do the job for you? Sourcing out coupon codes can be quite the task especially when you don’t know precisely where to look. Such tools include browser add-ons, price comparison tools and aggregate coupon tools.

Aggregate coupon tools make couponing way easier by automatically finding filtered results of the usable and non-expired coupon deals. The best-rated ones include Honey, Coupons at Checkout and Poachit. Price comparison tools, on the other hand, will compare the different prices of high-margin products across different sites and present to you the best deals. Use in-browser comparison tools such as InvisibleHand and PriceBlink and save your strength and time wasted on search engines for later. Or you could find your favorite coupons and promo codes at CouponsCollector and save both time and money; there are daily online discount shopping deals from thousands of stores

  1. Price-drop Refunds!

Keep an eye on your retailer even after making the purchase – it’s not stalking, it’s just looking out for yourself. Once you’ve observed a price drop before the month slips on the product you had purchased, be sure to ask for the discount too.

  1. Ask For It!

Most people don’t get what they want because they simply don’t ask for it! Whether you’re going to make a call to the shop or alternatively use the live-chat option to bargain, it’s your right as a buyer. Who knows, the attendant might be kind enough to direct you to the sites where the coupons are if they don’t decide to award it to you immediately.


Easy, right? What are you waiting for? Go out and make some heavy purchases and save big time – you deserve it!



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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