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6 Steps to Improve Your CTR in Your Email Campaigns

First of all, let’s start by saying the fact that CTRs (Click-Through-Rates) in emails are unfortunately decreasing! Why do they keep decreasing?

This is happening because of increase in the number of advertising emails, promotional emails and other emails which are not necessary to the recipient. Moreover, an email has a promo or social tab which gathers all these “spam” emails. These all lead to the recipient not checking the emails and in turn not opening them at all.

Well, the other reasons could be boring or not personalized subject lines, CTA (Call-to-Action) that is not appealing enough for users or the email that has too many CTAs.

We know how it is important to make the recipient open the message and click on the CTA. Therefore, here we are, with 6 steps that you can take to improve click-through-rate in your email campaign.

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So, How to Increase Your Email CTR?

According to SmartInsights, the click-through-rates in emails in various professional fields are within 1%-4% which is much less than the open rates. This proves the fact that many people are opening and reading the message but not clicking on the CTAs.

So, if you have the same issue and you do not get enough clicks – do not worry! We have selected six of our favorites to share with you so you keep the engagement rates high:

1.   Customize your call-to-action

Not having different types of CTA in your email is one of the reasons of having low click-through-rates. So, try to create some attractive CTA with different colors for the background or use symbols to get attention. You may write something like “Register before seats finish!” or “Get the offers now!”. As well, you can start generating urgency to get readers to click on your promo.

When you tend to write something boring like “Register” or “Sign up”, people will more likely not click unless it is something they really want or they already know about the offer.

2.   Segmenting your audience

Another very important action to consider before you actually start sending out the emails – you must separate your audience based on location, profession, and other areas and then send your emails with incentives typical for that type of audience.

This will lead to better rates of clicking on the CTA button. In this way, you give information more relevant to that particular group of audience and increase CTR.

3.   Optimized for smartphones

Nowadays, in this digital world, when people are doing everything on their smartphones, it is crucial to compose emails which can be opened easily on the iPhone or Android. The email promo needs to be optimized for smartphones and other devices. Therefore, the emails for smartphones have to be mobile friendly, with a limited number of pictures and links including one call-to-action button.

4.    Social media buzzing

Let’s not forget the importance of social media platforms in creating a buzz about the offers or products that you are trying to advertise and promote. You can add social media icons along with CTA and banner under email signature.

When people see that you are active on social media, this increases the chances of higher CTR. In this way, people believe that you are a legit company or organization.

Social media can be great for business, however, don’t forget email marketing. Specifically, don’t forget to utilize your simple NEWOLDSTAMP email signature.

5.   Less is more

Yes, that is true! When you send too many emails to your audience, this makes you look desperate and it decreases the chances of clicking on CTA button by your audience. So, make sure, you send fewer emails with either one CTA button or link.

With this, your audience will become more enthusiastic. For example, you can send the first email asking them to register but without CTA, and the next email with CTA will ensure higher clicks.

6.   Countdown timers

As we mentioned above, when you create a sense of urgency among the audience, they tend to do things faster. Therefore, adding countdown timer or writing things like “Limited offers available”, “Seats are finishing” or “Deadline is coming soon” makes your audience click on the CTA more than other emails.

There you go, these are some steps which can be taken to improve CTR in your email campaigns. If you find these useful, try to integrate them into your email marketing and get to increase you click-through-rates!


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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