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Health & Fitness

6 Pregnancy Hacks for First Time Moms

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Being a first-time mom can be a scary experience. You have a child on the way – a child that you’re going to dedicate the rest of your life to. The second you got that ‘positive’ on a pregnancy test, your life probably already changed.

Of course, before you get to meet the new love of your life, you’re going to need to go through pregnancy. These maternity hacks are going to help you get through one of the most intense experiences your body will ever have to deal with.

Before anything else, it’s important to reduce stress during your pregnancy. Studies have shown that stressful pregnancies are more likely to lead to pre-term birth, which carries complications in itself.

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Eat better for a healthy you and a healthier baby

When you’re pregnant, you’re bound to get intense cravings. Frankly, there’s very little you can do about that. Your loved ones will be at your beck and call. If you want something, they’re probably going to get it for you. Having a potato smothered in peanut butter (or whatever other ghastly combination you can think of) is okay every once in a while. But making it a regular habit isn’t good for your diet, your health, or your baby.

You still need to focus on eating healthy. In fact, even if you thought you were eating healthy before, it probably isn’t enough now that you’re trying to get nutrients for two. First-time mothers will need to think about shaking up their diet while pregnant as a healthy diet reduces complications during pregnancy.

Folic acid is an absolute must. While you can obtain it from food, it’s probably best to take a supplement. Having enough folic acid in your diet can drastically reduce the risk of birth defects.

Other than this, make sure that you’re getting the right balance of nutrients in your diet. Avoid overeating, though. You shouldn’t be gaining too much weight (beyond the baby weight). Studies have shown that the more weight you gain during pregnancy, the more likely you are going to face issues during birth.

Hydrate to reduce stretch marks

Stretch marks are part and parcel of being pregnant. Your skin will stretch quickly in order to accommodate your baby. While it’s going to be almost impossible to completely eliminate the risk of stretch marks, there will be plenty you can do to keep them to the absolute minimum.

Our top hack for stretch marks is to hydrate. Get at least two liters of water into your body each day, more if you’re still feeling thirsty. This should give your skin the right amount of bounce it needs to keep stretch marks minimal.

There are other ways to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, and we suggest you look into as many of them as you can. After all, the more preventive techniques you adopt, the higher are the chances of you minimizing the appearance of stretch marks.

Learn to get comfortable

Being pregnant isn’t comfortable. You’re gaining weight, and it’s going to be hard on your back. Well, actually, it’s going to be hard on your whole body. Not to mention the mental strain you’re going to be under. Because of this, you need to reduce external sources of stress as much as possible.

There are plenty of ways to hack yourself happy here. For one, you can invest in good maternity clothes. The best ones are comfortable, stylish, and durable.

Got leg pain? Well, munch on potassium-rich food like a banana. Potassium eliminates leg pain in next-to-no time at all. Investing in back support can also be a smart move, but make sure that it’s specifically designed for pregnant women. You don’t want something that’s going to compress your body too much.

Generally speaking, if you think something is going to make you more comfortable, don’t be afraid to try it. As long as you’re not putting yourself into perilous situations, you should be fine.

Get a bra extender

Your breasts are going to become larger during pregnancy. And, of course, when your breasts are larger, your usual bras won’t fit as well as they normally do.

But we all know how expensive a new bra can get, right? Thankfully, buying an entirely new bra drawer isn’t a strict requirement. In most cases, you can pick up some bra extenders and attach it to your current ones.

Ginger. Keep plenty of ginger.

Experienced moms will know just how terrible morning sickness can be. As a first-time mom, you probably won’t be able to eliminate morning sickness completely, but you may be able to keep it to a minimum. Ginger actually helps with this. If you’re feeling a bit nauseous, munching on a bit of ginger can help you feel better.

Some people will also recommend that you keep some snacks close to you at all times. Salty snacks work best here. They help eliminate nausea, but be careful not to overeat!.

Salt soak

Your feet are going to swell during pregnancy. While you won’t be able to eradicate all of that swelling, you should be able to control it. Soak your feet in salt water to help to reduce swelling. While this isn’t a permanent solution, a salt soak can depuff your feet enough for you to slip into a pair of comfy socks and slippers.

In conclusion

This is just a smattering of the things that you can do to make your first pregnancy a little bit easier. Make yourself comfortable. Eat right. Don’t forget to hydrate. Once you get through this, you’ll have a fantastic life with your newborn. No matter how hard it gets, remember that your body is designed to bring new life into this world. You can do this!



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