
6 Hobbies You Can Take Up in Quarantine

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Because of COVID-19, many of us need to practice self-quarantine. Unfortunately, it’s easy to feel bored when you’re stuck inside every day. After all, there are only so many TV shows and movies on Netflix! It’s time to put down your remote and pick up a new hobby. From exercising to gardening, there’s a ton of options to consider.

Here are a few ideas to get you started.


1. Host a Book Club

If you’re an avid reader, now’s a perfect chance to work through a stack of books. You can set a goal to read differently themed novels, such as books that became movies or classic literature like “The Catcher in the Rye.” To make this hobby even more fun, invite a group of friends to join. You can start a virtual book club through a platform like Google Hangouts.

Settle on a specific topic and create a booklist to match. Then, set aside time every few weeks to talk about an individual read. You and your friends can eat and drink as you chat. Once self-isolation ends, you can continue to organize meet-ups!

2. Learn How to Cook

There’s never been a better time to cook. You can make delicious meals for yourself and your family. What’s better than a homecooked dinner to gather around? Plus, you can experiment to your heart’s content. Maybe you’ll create an original staple that everyone loves.

If you don’t know how to get started, take a look at online resources and guides that address different skill levels. You could read up on how to chop vegetables or poach eggs. Take your new hobby another step and figure out various foreign cuisines. You can make frozen General Tso’s chicken, but what about authentic Chinese food? Don’t be afraid to get creative!

3. Plant a Garden

Although we need to stay cooped up indoors, we can still experience the warm sunshine and fresh air. There’s no better way to enjoy the outdoors than with a home garden. You can connect to nature, all while you grow fruits and vegetables. You can also turn this hobby into a family experience. Your set up may take a weekend or two to construct, but you’ll soon be able to plant several seeds.

Choose an open area without too much grass. You may need to remove a section of lawn for your soil – many eco-friendly replacement methods work quickly and effectively. Once you’ve built a healthy foundation, you can establish labeled sections and rows. Then, plant a few seeds and watch them thrive.

4. Start a Collection

Almost everyone has some kind of collection – and if you don’t, it’s time to start. People tend to gather items like concert tickets, license plates and comic books. A collection can create new memories for you and your family. As you work together to accomplish a goal, you’ll grow a lot closer. Additionally, a collection can teach you many fun facts.

Look around your house for unique objects that feel significant to you. Then, educate yourself about your chosen token. For example, it’s essential to learn about a coin’s anatomy before you start to collect any. Did you know that there’s a difference between the rim and edge of a coin? Sometimes, designers decorate those areas with special marks.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to create a diverse, unique collection. Search online communities for leads on new items, too. This way, you can expand your collection as you please.

5. Establish a Workout Routine

If you exercise once a year, you’re not alone. It’s not easy to establish a workout routine when you need to balance work, kids and friends. Fortunately, you can use your self-isolation to stay fit. It’s a terrific way to stave off boredom  and the mental and physical benefits don’t hurt, either.

A lot of gyms and studios have released free at-home workout videos that involve yoga, dance and more. You’ll use household items as replacements for weights, so you don’t need to order a ton of gear or equipment. If you can’t set aside time to watch a livestream every day, try to head out for a brisk walk. Either way, don’t forget to make a fun playlist.

6. Volunteer Online

Even throughout self-isolation, you can give back to your community. Many organizations offer virtual volunteer openings, where you can complete tasks for charities and foundations around the world. You could write blog posts, edit promotional videos or study grant proposals. If you’re an educator, you can teach children online. You may even find ways to translate documents for COVID-19 research.

Search the web to discover various opportunities. Even if you only dedicate one or two hours a week, you can make a difference.

Try One of These Hobbies to Make Self-Isolation More Fun

Although times seem uncertain, you can use one of these hobbies to make your free time more enjoyable. Whether you learn how to cook or take up a volunteer opportunity, self-quarantine doesn’t need to be a bore.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

51 thoughts on “6 Hobbies You Can Take Up in Quarantine

  • We’ve been cooking more and planning a garden! I never thought of reaching out to volunteer virtually – great idea!!

  • I have been cooking so much!!!

  • A lot of wonderful ideas listed here. Thank you for the information.

  • These hobbies sound very fun. Thanks for sharing!

  • I have been doing soooo much cooking with all the kids home 24/7. I think even they are sick of cooking with me or helping me out in the kitchen. Haha.

  • My mom is 90 years old and can’t go to bingo,so she does jigsaw puzzles

  • Great tips, I have been working out as I don’t have the excuse of not having enough time.

  • I have been gardening since I am afraid to go in public.

  • We’ve been cooking and gardening.

  • Thank you for the tips. I have been working in my garden.

  • I like baking, but starting a book club would be great!

  • I love cooking and baking with others.

    • I am so grateful to suggestions for stay at home activities.

    • I love to cook for my family. I cook a lot of Mexican food!

  • Great advice! Thank you for sharing 🙂

  • I have learned how to play the guitar!

  • I love these suggestions on how to keep your mind healthy while we are staying at home more now. I have started some new hobbies and tried to continue working out at home, although I do miss my fitness club.

  • I have been doing alot of crafts while quarantined.

  • These are some good ideas! I haven’t been reading as much as I’d like lately, but now seems like a good time to get back into it.

  • I have been working on my garden a lot.

  • I think I’ll try to up my cooking skills – thanks.

  • I’ms surprised you don’t have online classes on this list. It’s a great time to further education right now.

  • These are some great ideas!

  • I agree– there are many different options when it comes to keeping busy and engaged, even if one has limited resources. I’ve been re-discovering hobbies and activities that I used to do, and it’s been like a reawakening of sorts.

  • I’m definitely working on learning to cook.

  • Great tips! We’ve redesigned our garden and are working on a stone patio. ❤️

  • Learning to cook is one of my favorite suggestions – I think we’re all experimenting with new recipes while we all have this extra time.

  • Thank you for sharing these great ideas. I have a few collections going now and love to read. Really passes the time.

  • These are great ideas. I have been trying new recipes. Also crafting!

  • I have been sharing frederick Joseph’s fundraiser for rent relief and going on his lives on IG. he is raising money and giving it away in IG and twitter to help families stay afloat

  • I love all your tips, my favorite is starting a collection, which I have started collecting Tea Sets

  • Great ideas. Stay safe, eveyone

  • How can you volunteer online? I like some of these ideas especially COOKING. I think I need help in that department. I am good with recipes but I need something that is easy and short. Any tips?

  • Great tips for sure! Thank you

  • working on my gardens

  • I enjoyed reading about some hobbies you can take up in quarantine. I have started reading again and love the idea of a virtual book club.

  • Awesome advice!

    • Awesome lecture, i’ll definitely will improve my hobbies❤️❤️

  • Thanks for the ideas! We can all use some diversions.

    • Thank you for all these great tips.

  • I like all the advice. I have done a few things on here already. Appreciate the share.

  • I never would have thought of volunteering online. That’s a pretty neat idea.

  • We are slowly gardening, putting in plants that can handle low frosts. I NEED to get into an exercise routine. We walk the dog daily, but I need more!

  • I am working on a garden now!

  • Great advice. It’s a great time for some self-improvement. Thanks.

  • Always something to do, cool.

  • good advice! beats vegetating on the couch 🙂

  • Thanks for sharing!!! 😀

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