Health & Fitness

5 Ways To Start A Fitness Journey On Instagram

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Every new year, people have many resolutions. However, one resolution stands out which is- to be fit. Human strive to live forever, and one way to achieve that is to be healthy and live each day as a 10-year old. Many people display their fitness and workout routines on social media, especially on Instagram. Consequently, it attracts an audience that monitors you on your day-to-day engagements. If you have been thinking of starting your fitness journey on Instagram, look no farther as these are some of the steps needed to create a successful fitness journey. For a healthy body, the consensus is you need to be physically fit.

  1. Be Objective-Oriented

First, you ought to know the reason why you are starting a fitness journey. This will be vital in tailoring your content to reach the targeted market. Setting goals on your brand play an essential role in being successful and getting your content to be recognized. By being clear with your objectives, you can go ahead and create a great profile that will gain more followers. An example is wanting to promote specific workout tools such as skipping ropes and rollers

  1. Use of Hashtags

This feature has helped many brands get recognition especially when the topic is trending globally. Use of hashtags will help other Instagram users discover your content and act as a marketing tool for our brand. Your hashtag has to relate to your content so that to keep your followers intact and avoid being unfollowed. Since you are starting a fitness journey, you will want to use terms that are popular in the fitness world. A perfect example is #fitnesswednesdays.

  1. Be Consistent

For your brand to get out there, you ought to be consistent in posting your pictures and videos since Rome was not built in a day. Since your goal is to command a huge following, posting every day will become a necessary option. This constant posting keeps your followers wanting more and interested in what you are promoting. Commitment is an essential trait as the more you post pictures and videos, the greater the opportunity for people to view your content. Over time, your fitness journey will grow to be a success as followers continue to build and spread your brand by use of hashtags.

  1. Follow and Network

In the journey of creating a fitness account, success does end at creating a great profile. Instead, build strong relationships with those who follow you. As much as Instagram is a visual social media platform, brands are encouraged to develop strong bonds with their followers by recognizing content that is perfect for them. To kick start your fitness journey, follow those who are interested in your content. Start conversations about what you are promoting and be involved in the comment section. Answer questions asked and guide people on what to do about fitness activities and workout sessions. By doing this, followers will see the passion you have to your content and engage more. You can get more reach easily, by using Social10x’s website

  1. Tag People

Tagging is a fundamental feature for most social media sites; it keeps people informed on daily activities happening at different times. You can tag a satisfied client with his/her product, and that can inspire other followers to use your product. To launch your fitness journey one is encouraged to use media influencers. An Instagram influencer is someone to keep close on your side as they can cause traffic to your profile. They can be celebrities or even models who command many followers.

They can share photos that show them endorsing your product thus causing other Instagram users to pick an immediate interest in our brand. An example is a well-recognized singer testing some sports shoes. Viewers react positively to a product when a familiar face is using it. Not forgetting the use of captions, which give detailed information about a product and lead to starting conversations thus building strong relationships between the account user and the followers but it is important to seek permission before using an influencer to get your product out there as failure will lead to legal actions to be taken.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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