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5 Unique Advertising Techniques to Set You Apart from the Competition  

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Are you looking for ways to help your business stand apart and rise above the rest of the competition? If so, you’ll know that advertising and media are essential ways to boost your company. But, everyone is using ads to try to get ahead, so how to do you approach it with a unique angle? 

Let’s go over a few original ways that companies utilize marketing to get creative and get new customers. These 5 unique techniques are sure to set you apart from the competition.  

1. LED LightBox Ads

LED lightboxes are a crucial way to get your physical ads out there while making them stand out. The majority of advertising might take place via the internet, but physical ad campaigns still have their place in the industry. To run a successful stint, you’ll want to make sure potential customers can see your ad.   

LED lightboxes highlight well-crafted physical ads. You can utilize them for small ads that go up in your store, or for larger projects such as billboards. For more information about properly utilizing LED lightboxes, visit a professional, and schedule an appointment.   

2. Wi-Fi Networks that Double as Ads  

No matter their living situation, most people use Wi-Fi. If you want to garner more customers and have the funds, consider setting up a free Wi-Fi network. You can use the system for advertising new products. Name the Wi-Fi after your new merch, and give users a clear way to learn more.   

If you make them curious enough based on the title, you’ll see a rise in web search traffic. From there, you’ll see a lot more customers. Plus, individuals love free Wi-Fi, which will make them more likely to check out your business and buy from you.   

3. Laser Etching on Food  

Are you a small business owner looking to sell baked goods? Maybe you want to sell packaged meals, treats, and goodies. If so, have you considered laser etching your company logo on your food? That way, when you go to community events and sell your goods, customers will be able to see your logo right on your food.   

You can also etch your social media or website on the food. Might as well use the space that people will be focusing on for advertisement.   

4. Online CAPTCHA  

We live in a digital era, and CAPTCHA is a way to determine genuine internet users from robots. If you’re an online business, you have CAPTCHA so that you only cater to real-life customers. But why not use the verification tool for advertising for your company as well? Again, you can mention your new product and make customers type in the name to verify themselves.   

You can also have website users click on photos of your products, turn the CAPTCHA into a way for them to learn more about your business.   

5. Piggy-Back on Other Ads  

Guerrilla advertising has an interesting place here. Many famous companies have utilized guerrilla ads to some capacity. Whether putting inconspicuous art over billboards or crafting a direct response ad to a competitor, you’ll want to present your company as part of the larger community. Look into what your competition is doing, then determine whether you want to passively respond or actively intercept their campaigns.   

The Weirder the Ad Campaign, the Better  

With these ideas in the back of your head, get out, and get ready to craft a unique marketing campaign. Remember, the more unique your ads are, the more your company will stand out. Invest in high-quality ad campaigns. You’ll see positive results and reap more profit.   


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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