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5 Professional Tips for Making Your Banners & Posters Stand Out

Going to an expo soon? You’re bound to see a myriad of banners and posters. And do you know what? most of them won’t necessarily grab your attention.

 If you’ve ever manned a stall at an expo or an event, you know how hard it is to setup your stall to attract as many people as possible. Grabbing people’s attention amidst so much visual noise isn’t easy.

So what’s the secret? Is it in the banner printing? And if so, what can you do regarding colors and visuals to entice an audience?

This is why I’m giving you 7 professional tips that will take your banners and posters to the next level.

 Get ready to generate some traffic with better banner printing San Diego. Here goes.

 Choose a Color that Relates to Your Message

Colors speak volumes—just like words do.

 Ask yourself what the theme of your industry is. What’s the message or feeling you want to translate when your customers approach you?

Green is very relaxing and welcoming. Blue is very trustworthy and social. Red is bod, perhaps even intimidating. Orange appeals to youngsters while yellow denotes a message of safety.

Do you see how colors can confuse your visitors? Choose a main color that relates to the feeling you want your customers to experience.

 Include Motion in Your Design

 If you play around with your shapes and your design elements, you can create a design that signifies flow and motion.

This moving effect is proven to have a positive impact on viewers. Most of us are more attracted to movement than stagnant images.

 So keep your design flowing if you want to create a psychological buzz at your stall.

 Use People’s Faces in Your Design

 People relate to the faces of others. Faces used in advertising get more engagement and response than adverts without.

Creating a banner with people’s faces on it requires a high quality print. Seek out some of the best banner printing San Diego has to offer to ensure a high resolution image.

When you place images of people within your design, remember to have the person looking at the camera. This eye contact effect is a strong psychological trigger that draws people in with feelings of trust, social desire and communication.

 Don’t Use Fillers—Utilize Your Space

 If your banner is large, you’ll be tempted to fill it up with something random.

 Don’t do this!

 Every inch of space on your mesh banner is there with the potential to contribute to your overall message. Use your extra space to add design elements that tie in with your message and the focal point of your design.

 This comes down to prioritizing your elements wisely. Decide what you want to include, then structure your design accordingly. Plan, plan and plan some more.

 Choose Your Words Wisely

 People will automatically be drawn to your words right after they’ve seen your images.

 This is where they decide whether they want to approach. So what you say should have an enticing effect.

 Here are some words that DO NOT attract people to your stall:






 Instead, use words that help people relate to you better. You don’t walk up to someone and just start talking about yourself, do you? No, you ask them about themselves first.

 That’s the kind of marketing that gets results.

 Use words like these:







It makes a huge difference.

This includes your call to action. Place this on the top right of your design. People are more likely to look here before they look at your logo or company name.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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