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Home & Garden

3 Home Updates to Boost Your Home’s Value AND Your Health

Everyone wants to improve their health. In fact, studies have shown that as many as four in five adults wanted to improve their health in 2019. Even though more than 77% of people read online reviews before finding their new doctor, healthcare is just one part of improving your health for the long run. Odds are, the same number of people are struggling to get their health on track in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Whether you’re trying to bolster your immune system or simply get more active, changing your home might be the key to leading a healthier lifestyle. Everyone knows that making even minor updates to your home has the potential to increase your return on investment (ROI) when you’re looking to sell. If you’re investing in healthier home options designed to improve your lifestyle, this is all the better for you and future homebuyers.

Here are some of the best ways to boost your home’s value — and your health.

Home gyms

Establishing a home gym is a considerable effort; not only do you have to identify the perfect location, but you’ll also have to make modifications to the floors and walls to ensure your home’s safety. Most people choose to install a stronger floor to protect their home from bumps, dents, and scrapes associated with lifting weights. Installing more electrical outlets with updated safety features is also vital for powering your lights, electric workout equipment, and a television to keep you distracted. Others might want to install mirrors along the wall to monitor their form while they’re working out.

This last one is especially important for new gym-goers or dancers. Without the correct form, you’re putting your body at risk. The average ankle sprain takes 10 days to heal, but incorrect form can also wear down the cartilage in your knees, cause rotator cuff injuries, or worse. When you’re installing a gym, don’t doubt the benefits of mirrors.

If you’re working with a little more money, you can always consider installing a pool. Experts note that installing a pool can boost your home’s value by an estimated 7%. If you opt for an indoor pool to get through the cold months of winter, it could raise your home’s value even more. Swimming is a great way to stay fit and have fun with the whole family. Improving your home with fitness in mind can benefit your wallet and your body.

Check your HVAC and air filters

When was the last time you checked out your HVAC system?

If you’re like most Americans, you might not remember. In fact, many people don’t even think about their HVAC system until summer and winter first arrive and it’s time to turn on the unit. But checking your HVAC system and air filters is key to leading a healthier life.

After all, your HVAC system is key in warming and cooling your home, but it’s also responsible for keeping your air flowing. If you’re not cleaning your vents and ducts regularly, your system might be at risk of breaking. Not only will this make your unit work harder, but you’ll be breathing in bad air to boot. This could be particularly painful for folks with allergies and young children with more sensitive immune systems.

When your air filters and HVAC system works more effectively, you’ll literally be able to breathe easier. As an added bonus, you could also experience a decrease in your electric and gas bills since efficient systems don’t waste power. Keep in mind that your ducts should be cleaned and inspected around twice per year, usually when your system is switching over between heating and cooling. You might also need to replace your HVAC system altogether. Though the average sofa lasts around eight years, your HVAC system needs to be replaced more frequently depending on maintenance.

Update your kitchen

If you have the money to remodel a portion of your home, the healthiest area to renovate is your kitchen.

After all, the kitchen is one of the most-used areas of our home. According to a recent Houzz survey reported by Consumer Affairs, homeowners who have recently renovated their kitchens are more likely to lead healthier lifestyles and eat more home-cooked meals. While we can all enjoy a trip to our favorite restaurant, being able to make your food from scratch makes us more mindful of what we put into our bodies.

More people typically eat healthier after a kitchen renovation because they finally want to spend more time in the kitchen. Many people avoid the kitchen if the layout is hard to navigate or if there isn’t enough space. Installing new countertops and investing in new appliances will encourage most homeowners to use the space more. And a great new kitchen is a huge draw for potential homebuyers.

If you’re trying to lead a healthier lifestyle, changing up your kitchen might change up your diet for the better.

When you’re trying to live a healthier lifestyle, consider making modifications to your home. Not only can you increase your home’s value but you’ll also feel better about your health in the process. Rely on these tips to make the most of your next home project.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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