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Top 5 Wood Heaters in Australia

Wood heaters are in use in about 900,000 households in Australia. They are a low cost source of heat and they improve thermal comfort. Although wood heaters are old, the market is flooded with numerous options making it difficult for most people to choose the best one. We have reviewed the top 5 wood heaters in Australia with benefits to help you make a more informed choice.


   1. Jindara Kimberly 

Jindara is a household name when it comes to wood heaters. With a reputation stretching over 25 years, there is no question their products are a favorite. The Jindara Kimberly wood heater uses minimum fuel, and it heats an entire room uniformly. Its efficiency ensures refueling is kept to the minimum giving you an uninterrupted comfort. Operating the heater is easy The Jindara Kimberly wood heater has double skinned sides that reduce radiant heat and directs it upwards. 

A small complaint from customer reviews is the drawing of smoke inside the house when the firebox door is opened. You can avoid this by opening the door slowly instead of yanking it open.

   2.Pacific Energy Neo 2.5

If you are looking to heat large spaces, the Neo 2.5 is your best bet. It produces a lot of heat to cover large open areas. The heater uses less fuel and heats up fast in addition to burning throughout the night. Its energy ratings are high due to low emissions. This wood heater saves on fuel costs as one piece of wood burns for hours.

It is comforting to wake up to a warm house, especially in areas with below minus temperatures. The Neo 2.5 is known for its exemplary performance in such areas.

   3. Kent Somerset Wood Fire

The Kent Somerset Wood Fire is a refined wood heater that evenly heats the whole house in a short time. It comes equipped with a fan for efficient heat distribution especially in large spaces. 

The fan is a little noisy, but this is a short-lived shortcoming. With the fan running the room heats up in a matter of minutes and you can go back to enjoying your silence after switching it off.

   4. Pacific Energy Summit

Just like other Pacific Energy wood heaters, the Summit heats a room in little time and gives over 10 hours of burning time without refueling. The performance makes the running cost low and heating economical.

The fan fitted on the Pacific Energy Summit allows even distribution of heat in spaces. Moreover, the heater does not draw in smoke when the firebox is opened making it an excellent choice for tight spaces.

   5. Masport R1500

The Masport, R1500 wood heater generates heat fast and efficiently. The hearth and heater retain warmth for hours even after the fire has died making it great for an economical user. The only downside with this wood heater is that it produces soot that requires cleaning every couple of days.

Any of the above five wood heaters is guaranteed to meet your requirements. Their performances top most wood heaters on the market and the price tags give good value for money. 


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