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Health & Fitness

My ClearCorrect Journey!

Disclosure: This is a guest post on behalf of Mrs. Alissa Francis whose treatment is  sponsored by  ClearCorrect. All opinions expressed in this post is that of Mrs. Francis. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines. 

Not so perfect smile

I have always wanted perfect teeth. I suffered from spacing between many teeth and that always made me so self-conscious. For the longest time, I would only smile with my mouth closed because I was so ashamed of my teeth. People around me never understand why I hated my teeth so much but this was a constant battle I had with myself that I never won. I’ve looked into getting braces but could not wrap my head around the thousands of dollars I’d need to have that perfect smile I’ve always wanted. Although I hated my teeth and my smile, I thought I’d do a lot better by smiling with a closed mouth rather than spending a few thousand dollars on a new smile.

Time passed and I eventually got to the point where I decided I needed to make a change. I needed to figure out a way to be happy with my teeth and my smile. I decided that I needed to do what would really make me happy. I needed a new smile!

Night Helper Blog

For years now, I’ve followed the Night Helper Blog and loved it! Lisa, who is the owner of the blog, would write cool, interesting and fun reviews on such a widespread of items. I’ve followed her journey from the early 2000’s until now and I’ve enjoyed every bit of it! Lisa has done a ton of reviews on items that I’ve actually purchased. Some things I’d never in a million years consider purchasing but due to her excellent reviews, I can say that all of the items that I have bought based on her reviews have been great purchases!

Say cheese!Now back to this perfect smile that I desired so badly. I really wanted a perfect smile but due to my budget I knew I couldn’t’ afford the metal braces. To be honest, I didn’t want the restrictions of what I could and couldn’t eat. I wanted to be free; I wanted something undetectable. I wanted something clear that would correct my not so perfect smile. So I researched and heard about ClearCorrect. This provider seemed to have the ability to cater to all my desires of gaining a perfect smile.

You see, ClearCorrect  is a company that develops clear, custom, removable dental aligners used by dentists and orthodontists to straighten patients’ teeth. The devices move the teeth a little bit at a time, eventually resulting in straight teeth. Established in 2006, the Round Rock, Texas based company distributes their product throughout the United States and in 2011 was named the fastest-growing health company in America by Inc. magazine.

After doing much research, I found out that a dentist near my home offered ClearCorrect.  So I reached out to Dr. Najwa Shaja and Peter M. at Caring Dentistry in Michigan. Both Dr. Shaja and Peter were so very nice and pleasant when they addressed all of my concerns and questions.

Dr. Najwa Shaja is a Southeast Michigan dentist. Najwa Shaja, DDS is a renowned expert in the field of general and cosmetic dentistry. Dr. Shaja has a passion for dental health and always strives to offer the best quality of care to all her patients. Dr. Shaja has been privileged to offer her expert advice on many advanced techniques and continues to mentor her staff on the latest dental care products and procedures. You can always read more about her expertise here.

Soon, I was preparing to have Dr. Shaja examine my teeth to see if I would be a good candidate for the ClearCorrect clear aligners. I immediately scheduled a consultation and before long Dr. Shaja’s team examined my teeth and confirmed that I was a great match for their ClearCorrect procedure.  After getting details from my exam, I quickly tried to figure out what I could do to obtain my new smile.

Back to the Night Helper Blog
Now, I knew Lisa had great opportunities so I decided to reach out to see if there was anything she could possibly do for me. A few weeks passed and Lisa contacted me and told me she had great news! Next thing I knew, ClearCorrect had agreed to sponsor my treatment and the Night Helper Blog, and I were preparing to begin a project that would change my life forever!

My life with ClearCorrect
Things took off fast! I went back into the dentist about a week later to have impressions done for my custom aligners.

After a few weeks, the aligners were back and ready for me! As you can see from the images below, my Clear Correct aligners are in on the bottom and top of my teeth. This is currently my phase of aligners and I must say, I’m thrilled to be a part of this journey to obtaining my perfect smile. It feels a little weird wearing the aligners but what amazes me the most is no one would ever  know I am wearing them because they are so clear. Please be advise too that most patients won’t be able to see any change in their teeth within the first 2-3 weeks.

I know my journey will be long but I can’t wait to share more images and more details on how ClearCorrect aligners are working on my teeth.
Stay tune to my next post, I will show you how far my teeth have come since using my first set of ClearCorrect aligners!

You can connect with ClearCorrect via Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram| to keep up with latest.


Disclosure: This is a guest post on behalf of Mrs. Alissa Francis whose treatment is  sponsored by  ClearCorrect. All opinions expressed in this post is that of Mrs. Francis. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines. 





Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

61 thoughts on “My ClearCorrect Journey!

  • Such a beautiful smile. I admit I wish I had the courage to do this but because of you I might just give it a try. You are truly an inspiration.

  • I didn’t know they could do this, your teeth look good

  • wow looks great, didn’t know they could do that

  • Great article! Thanks for sharing.

  • What a great advancement in dentistry. So much nicer than the old fashioned braces.

  • Wow your right. I couldn’t tell you had them in. Sounds like a wonderful product.

  • Wow! I am amazed by how you can’t even tell they are on you. Good luck in your journey.

  • Wow, what amazing work done and wishing all the best!

  • Sounds and looks like a wonderful product. I can see that it really works.

  • A great alternative to regular braces. Who doesn’t want nice straight teeth? Certainly something to consider.

  • I wonder if this product will eventually take the place and work faster than braces? I think teenagers would rather wear ClearCorrect than have a bunch of metal in their mouth. Of course, I am assuming that these would help them too. Maybe that is something you can mention in your next progressive article. I’d love to see your progress also!

  • Can’t wait to see your new beautiful smile! Your article on ClearCorrect Aligners is fascinating to say the least! Hoping for an update soon 🙂

  • Wow. Looking forward to watching your progress.

  • Thank you for such a great post! With so many items on the market today that can do damage instead of good, its nice to see one cover an area that needs publicity. And what a beautiful smile you have, great results.

  • What a good idea reaching out to Lisa! How wonderful for you! I hope you feel better about your looks and teeth. Sounds like a good product….most of us want whiter, straighter teeth.

  • Everyone looks better with whiter teeth.

  • Cool smile! Wish I had the money to get my teeth fixed.

  • Thank you for sharing. They look great.

  • Alissa, I really admire your determination to do something that will make you happy and feel more beautiful. I wish I had your gumption! Good luck with the rest of your treatments.

  • Interesting article. I personally have never had any of these problems, glad people are able to use this!

  • I can see the difference

  • you look so awesome! kudos! thanks for sharing!

  • Great article & review~Happy Valentine’s Day ~❤

  • Boy you can’t tell that you are wearing them. They sound like an amazing product and I can’t wait to see if they work or not.

  • Beautiful smile and what a difference! It’s good to see someone happy after getting their smile back! Be able to smile is a big deal!

  • I have never done this before… great article. Looks like a great process.

  • This is so much better than the braces I used to wear. Wish I could do it all over again.

  • Great smile! Great post!

  • I have heard a lot about them. I hope they work well for you.

  • I would love to try this! Looks like it works really well!

  • sounds interesting,but i probably dont need to do this..i spend most on my dentist time just keeping them clean

  • Great option for teeth alignment and for invisible alignment!

  • Wow how awesome. Dental work has come along way. Congrats on getting the smile you always wanted.

  • Wow. I haven’t heard of this. It sounds like a great alternative to braces.

  • First thing, Your Smile and teeth are Beautiful. Clear Correct works so well I wish I could Use it to get my Smile Back. Missing teeth is my problem~ I just like this review so much I pinned it on my pinterest Board. I will definitely share this with my Family and friends. Keep up the good work. Your teeth are awesome.. :O)~~~~

  • Cool, this looks like a really neat way to take care of your teeth! I have seen some similar products but have not read any reviews.

  • Wow their teeth look great! I’d love to try this and see if it helps my teeth,they’re in rough shape.

  • This sounds like a great way to straighten your teeth. I am so happy for you. I will have to pass this story along. Thank you so much for sharing

  • I’m a (retired) dental hygienist, and this is an awesome alternative to traditional orthodontia. And you look great!

  • Wow! This was very interesting to read all about. Everything looks like it turned out great!

  • Your research and all your hard work is paying off! They look amazing!!
    I have always thought that teeth were a big part of a beautiful smile! I am so HAPPY for you!! I used to have a beautiful smile and set of teeth, but with the bone cancer, all the poisonous treatments and now Diabetes, I am actually loosing teeth! I had oral surgery in January to remove a tooth. That’s the second time I had oral surgery to remove a tooth in the last couple of years! Believe me, I could go on and tell you the story behind that one, but A few people found it hard to believe – but it DID happen! Not taking care of your teeth can be a huge health hazard!! Take care!

  • This is great! I would love to try this sometime. Looks like it works really good!

  • I’ve been enjoying reading and following your journey with these clear correct aligners. I’m looking forward to seeing how lovely your teeth are going to look when you finish up! Hang in there 🙂

  • How wonderful for you! I am glad that there is something out there for people like you with this problem. I met you have so much more confidence now and smile big when you can.

  • This is new to me but I am intrigued. Amazing metamorphosis. Can’t wait to see the finished product. By the way, you have a beautiful smile!

  • i have never heard of this but passing onto a friend looking for something similiar thank you

  • I think these are so awesome!! and I love how your teeth are looking, simply amazing how they
    can make them come together..

  • I really want to thank you for this article My daughter is looking into something similar I will show her this as another option

  • Great post! Sound interesting, great way to straighten your teeth.

  • I really enjoyed reading this and your journey in getting and trying out these retainers for your teeth and
    how comfortable they actually look. I really love what they are doing for your smile.

  • I could really use Clear Correction.

  • I’ve never heard of this before. Thanks for sharing!

  • Get a great smile

  • It sounds like such a good way for adults to get the teeth they want. I can not even see the aligners on you! What a great way t get straight teeth.

  • wow,,what a great smile,,

  • Wow, that is pretty amazing. Please keep us posted on your continued results.

  • Looking good like to try this

  • This sound like a very interesting concept. Best of luck on your journey!

  • All of the results are fabulous. Really would consider this if I or my child needed correction dentistry.

  • Fascinating article! Wishing you the smile you always dreamed of!


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