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When Is It Time to Replace Your Water Heater? Be on the Lookout for These 5 Signs

You don’t always appreciate how much you rely on a working water heater until it goes wrong. Every hour without hot water seems like an eternity while you wait for a plumber to come and fix the problem by repairing or replacing it.

If you do an internet search for something like Caldwell plumbing, for instance, you will be able to get the professional help you need in those circumstances. In the meantime, it also helps to have an idea of what to look out for when it comes to warning signs that your water heater is on its last legs and may soon need replacing.

Is your current water heater getting too old to cope?

Even when things seem to be going okay, it does make sense to be mindful about how long you have had your water heater and whether it is better to replace rather than wait for something to go wrong.

The majority of tank-style water heaters have an average lifespan of no more than ten years. If your water heater has reached that sort of milestone birthday you could benefit from replacing it. A new heater will deliver a better and more economical performance, plus you will have the peace of mind that it is unlikely to go wrong because it is new.

Is the water discolored?

A classic telltale sign to look out for is discolored water. This is often the visual clue that is telling you the inside of your tank is corroded and rusting.

There are other reasons for getting rusty water, so it would be a good idea to get a plumber to check on the cause and confirm if it is your water heater that is the problem.

Is your water heater noisy?

Plumbing can sometimes make a noise to alert you that something is not right. That can be the case with your water heater.

Your water tank becomes more vulnerable as it ages. Reside can build up at the bottom of the tank. When this happens, the noise you are hearing is usually due to hard sediment banging against the wall of the heater’s lining.

Leaking is an obvious warning sign 

With some of the other problems, a little bit of guesswork is sometimes needed. That’s not the case with leaks.

Water heaters have a habit of springing a leak when they have reached the end of their life cycle. If you spot any signs of a leak, however small, don’t delay. You should contact a plumber right away so that they can evaluate the problem and hopefully prevent a major water disaster in your home.

You can’t get any hot water

Another obvious sign of a potential problem with your water heater is when you are not able to get any hot water coming out of the faucets.

A lack of hot water could be an easy fix, if it’s something like a pilot light that has gone out, but it could also mean your water heater needs fixing or replacing.

A constant supply of hot water in your home is something we tend to take for granted. However, it can soon become an issue when that stops happening.

Are some of the problems highlighted above telling you that it’s time for a new water heater?



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8 thoughts on “When Is It Time to Replace Your Water Heater? Be on the Lookout for These 5 Signs

  • We just changed the heater because we don’t get any more hot water. These are indeed important signs to look at and be aware of.

  • We actually just replaced our water heater this winter, after dealing with issues with it for years. It is good to pay attention to the signs to make sure you don’t end up without a working water heater.

  • You’ve given a lot of things to look for to determine if the water heater needs help. Of course, sludge coming out of the tap is another sign…

  • When I bought a house years ago, I woke up one morning fairly newly after purchasing it, to find a flooded kitchen. It was the water heater!!!!! It was in the laundry room just in the next room. Man, that was a mess. Best to be proactive on checking it.

  • You are out here doing some good work! Soooo many people (myself included) aren’t even considering that the water heater will need changing. Lol

  • I never really knew what to look for, when it comes to needing to replace a water heater. This is great information to be aware of for homeowners!

  • My water heater is quite old so I appreciate these tips on how to monitor it. Will keep on eye on the points you made – thus far it looks to be OK.


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