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What Would You Do if Suddenly Google Disappeared?

Everyone seems to know Google, including children. As the most preferred search engine, Google should never collapse. Have you ever thought about Google’s collapse? Devoted Google users would not even entertain such a thought. There are several things you cannot do if Google stopped even for one day, including playing your favorite gg bet bonus games. Some people believe that life would be harder only for subscribers of Google services. But how would a disruption in Google services affect them?

Google DNS infrastructure users would suffer

If Google went down today, those who use its DNS infrastructure cannot solve hostnames. In this situation, Google users can switch to their ISP’s resolving DNS servers. But few people have ample technical knowledge about servers. Such people would not even know that Google has disappeared. 

They would call their ISPs to ask them why nothing is working anymore. After receiving endless customer calls, the ISPs would create a web page that users can access via their IP addresses. The page would explain what is happening and offer solutions. It would also provide easy instructions on how to overcome the mess.

Users of Google Services would not access them anymore

Countless people from all countries use Google services. These include Gmail, Google Analytics, Google search engine, Google Sheets, Google Data Studio, Google Documents, etc. If all you use from Google is its search engine, you will probably be clever enough to choose Bing, Yahoo, or another search engine. Individuals and companies who depend on Google’s properties would have a terrible day after its collapse. 

Those without data backups would lose everything and incur losses even in a monetary sense. Google itself would encounter massive losses even if it is a big conglomerate. Even the companies you depend on for products or services can be unreachable if they did not have data backups before Google collapsed. We are talking about those who keep data in Google’s servers. 

Any information outside these servers can still be available to internet users. The problem would be how to access it without the Google we are used to. Since Google is not the whole World Wide Web, life would move on as usual for those who do not use it heavily.

Can Google collapse?

Google is aware of the prime responsibility it has to keep things running. Millions of people use Google’s products and services. So, it is safe to say that Google takes maintenance of its infrastructure very seriously. That’s why you find most of their programs running efficiently. Like you and many people out there, I do not think Google can collapse. 

Nobody even wants to think about Google’s collapse and what might follow. Although we have noted that the rest of the internet would continue, there would be massive interruptions worldwide. Google is the favorite search engine and service provider for countless businesses and individuals; its end would be an end for many.


Each one of us can foresee the world without Google. In addition to massive data losses and money losses, Google’s end would affect many psychologically. They are the company that people depend on for most online activities. Picking a match for Google would be almost impossible. There is no match since Google is the best worldwide.


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