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Health & Fitness

What to Expect When You Have Neck Lift Surgery

Neck lift surgery, known medically as platysmaplasty or cervicoplasty, is a type of cosmetic surgery that is used to improve the appearance of the neck. It involves tightening any loose skin and muscles in the neck area and removing excess fat tissue.

If you’ve booked yourself in for a neck lift with a local surgeon, you might be curious to know more about the process. Although every surgeon works slightly differently, the general procedure of a neck lift is similar across the board. It begins with an initial consultation and ends with the post-surgery recovery period.

Below, we have covered what to expect when you get a neck lift, describing the process step by step.

Initial Consultation

When you book yourself in for a neck lift, your chosen surgeon will allocate a time and date for a face-to-face consultation. During this appointment, the surgeon will run through everything you need to know about your upcoming procedure. 

Your neck lift surgeon will ask about your surgery goals and expectations. They will also assess your current health and gather details about your medical history.

Next, they will perform a physical examination of your neck to assess the anatomy and skin elasticity of the neck tissue. The aim of this physical examination is to ensure you are a suitable candidate for neck lift surgery.

Preparation for the Procedure

Before you head for your surgery, your chosen surgeon will provide detailed instructions on how to prepare for the procedure and ensure the best results. 

The surgeon may require you to stop taking certain medications in the days leading up to your procedure to prevent unwanted side effects and contraindications. They may also advise you to be abstinent from alcohol and smoking during this time period.

You will also get guidance on what to bring with you on the day of the procedure and what to expect in the recovery period when you get home after your surgery. This way, you can prepare your home properly to ensure a comfortable recovery space.

The Neck Lift Procedure

When you arrive at the clinic for your cosmetic surgery, you will be given a general or local anesthetic, which numbs your neck area, so you don’t feel any pain during the procedure. The surgeon will make careful incisions to complete the neck lift, choosing strategic locations to minimize the appearance of scars.

Through these incisions, the surgeon can access the underlying tissue in the neck to tighten it and sculpt it according to your chosen preferences.  The surgeon may use a variety of techniques during the procedure, including platysmaplasty to tighten the neck muscles and liposuction to remove excess fat.

Once the surgery is complete, the surgeon will suture any incisions they have made and dress the wounds with sterile dressings. The surgical team will transfer you to a recovery area within the clinic, where you can rest until your anesthetic has worn off.


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