Health & Fitness

What is The Main Function of a Healthy Prostate?

The prostate is a small gland that weighs around 30 grams and is roughly the size of a chestnut. It is an internal organ that is part of the male reproductive system.

The primary purpose of the prostate is to produce a fluid that, when combined with sperm cells from the testicles and fluids from other glands, forms semen.

The prostate muscles ensure that semen is pushed firmly into the urethra and ejected gradually during masturbation.

However, if you don’t look after the prostate’s health via lifestyle changes or medically approved health supplements, it will create ample complications for your body. So, let’s find out the main functions of a healthy prostate right here.


Where Is The Prostate Located?

The prostate is situated right under the bladder and above the pelvic floor muscles. Because the rectum lies behind the prostate, the gland may be felt with the finger from the rectum.

The prostate gland’s ducts are inserted into the urethra, which surrounds the whole of the prostate.

It stands before the bladder when you look at it from underneath, where the urethra exits the gland.

How Does A Healthy Prostate Gland Look?

When the prostate gland is inspected, it is surrounded by a connective tissue capsule that contains numerous elastic connective tissue and smooth muscle fibers, which is why it feels quite elastic to the touch.

The prostate also has a large number of smooth muscle cells. These muscle cells contract during ejaculation, forcing the fluid that has been stored in the prostate out into the urethra.

This combines the fluid and sperm cells, as well as fluid from other glands, to make semen, which is subsequently discharged.

The prostate gland’s tissue is separated into three zones, which ring the urethra like layers of an onion, and they are:

1: The transition zone is the tiniest region of the prostate gland, located on the interior of the gland at about 10%. Between the bladder and the top portion of the urethra, it surrounds the urethra.

2: The core zone surrounds the transition zone, accounting for roughly a quarter of the prostate’s overall mass. The duct common to the prostate, the seminal duct, and the seminal vesicles are all located here. The ejaculatory duct is another name for Ductus Ejaculators.

3: The peripheral zone is the most important region of the prostate gland, accounting for approximately 70% of the tissue mass.

Main Functions Of A Healthy Prostate

1. Prostatic secretion is necessary for the normal functioning of sperm cells and, as a result, for male fertility. Many enzymes, including the prostate-specific antigen, are found in the thin, milky liquid. The semen becomes thinner as a result of this enzyme.

2. Spermine, a hormone-like molecule, is primarily responsible for sperm cell motility. It means that if you have a healthy prostate, it will control the free-flow movements of the sperm.

3. During ejaculation, the prostate and the bladder’s sphincter muscle shut the urethra up to the bladder, preventing semen from entering the bladder.

4. The central zone muscles block the prostate’s ducts during urination, preventing urine from entering. Many people use prostate supplements to ensure the prostate works just fine.

5. The male sex hormone testosterone is converted to a physiologically active form, DHT, in the prostate, which means the prostate is also responsible for controlling the male hormone metabolism.

How To Find Out If You Have A Healthy Prostate?

      • A doctor can put his finger into the rectum and feel the prostate for lumps, nodules, and cancer symptoms during a digital rectal examination.
      • PSA levels can be measured by blood testing. Prostate cancer risk is enhanced when these levels are high.
      • If a doctor suspects cancer, a tiny sample of prostate tissue can be taken and tested, which is called a prostate biopsy. They accomplish this by inserting a needle through the rectum into the prostate.
      • Transrectal ultrasonography is a term used by doctors to describe a prostate ultrasound. The medical expert puts a probe into the rectum and positions it close to the prostate during the treatment. Biopsies are frequently performed under the direction of ultrasonography.
      • Prostate MRI may show the structure of the prostate in great detail, as well as indicate spots that may be cancerous. An MRI-ultrasound fusion biopsy allows these locations to be targeted using new technologies.


A healthy prostate is essential for a healthy human being.

We have elaborated the functions of a healthy prostate which should be enough to convince you to take good care of your prostate from now onwards.

But, if you want more tips like these, we will be happy to help you.




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