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Home & Garden

What does your home say about you?

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Your home is more than a structure with walls and a roof. It’s part of your identity, who you are. Whether we choose to admit the fact or not, our homes say as much about who we are as individuals as the vehicles we drive and the careers we have to make a living. Regardless if you are living in a two story home in the suburbs or own a home at The Atlantic Private Residences, your home should be considered a part of the family.

In a world where neighborhoods and condos look almost identical to their neighbors, it can be difficult to set ourselves apart from the blending environment we live in. However, with just a few simple steps, the inside of a house can be transformed into an extension of your character. While the townhouse we reside may appear to be just like the one next to us on the outside, opening the front door can lead to experiencing a canvas of artwork that makes your home unique.

Do you need a new shade of happiness?

One of the biggest ways to create a  difference within your home is with a fresh coat of paint. By choosing a brighter or darker color, you have the ability to transform the feeling a room creates. By using a brighter color, you are able to create an appearance of a room being bigger than it actually is. By covering the walls with a darker color, you can make an area feel more confined, creating a feeling of comfort and solitude.

There are also several ideas you can use such as painting opposing walls the same color while using another shade or color on the walls boxing the rooms in. This can make the room feel as if it has more depth or width, according to what you are looking for. It also provides more options for decorating and adding accessories to the room.

Put some light on the situation

Similar to the color of a room, the lighting can also play tricks on both the feel and appearance of an atmosphere. There is a difference in the effect created from a hanging fixture and a standing light that would sit on a countertop or the floor itself. These differences can change the shading of a room, the effect of natural light entering the room, even the appearance of the colors you have on the walls.

By playing with different ideas when it comes to your lighting options, you can make your home as soft or as bright as you would like. You may enjoy creating the same feel throughout the place, or making each room unique in its own way.

Set a room off with flooring that stands out

The flooring of your room can also add its own distinction into the mix. The difference of a dark hardwood or a bright ceramic tile may be just what you need to add flare and spice to your kitchen or living area. While a floor that perfectly matches the color of the walls always looks nice. Sometimes a floor that stands out the most is one that has a taste all of its own.




Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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