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What Does an Injury Lawyer Do?


Attorneys offer advice and representation for those who’ve been injured in accidents. The legal protections offered by an attorney can be vital in such a case; they can guide you through filing, negotiating, and settling claims.

Therefore, knowing what an injury lawyer does is important. It can affect how you decide to move forward or what you do after a potential accident.

What Do Accident Attorneys Do?

The answer depends on the type of accident. In all cases, attorneys help victims find out who’s to blame for their accident and help negotiate or file claims for damages. Insurance companies are required by law to pay an attorney if they are sued because of their insured’s actions.

When you’re injured, your injuries may be life-altering and expensive. Without the assistance of a lawyer, you could be at risk of falling victim to the insurance companies that want to pay you as little as they can.

If you were not at fault in an accident, it’s possible there was negligence on a driver’s behalf. This is grounds for a personal injury case. A trustworthy accident lawyer will help assess your case and determine if there was negligence involved.

What Damages Can an Injury Lawyer Help Me Recover?

Every case is different, and each person may be entitled to other or no damages. Compensation is often based on the extent of your injuries, the circumstances of the accident, and the liability of others involved. 

The following are general categories for damages that may be available to you, although there are many more depending on your circumstances:

Medical Expenses: The cost of medical treatments and services resulting from a car accident. This can also be reimbursed for medical expenses that you’ve already paid.

Loss of Income: If you cannot work after an accident due to your injuries, you may be eligible for compensation for your income. This is also true if the accident was caused by a business you were affiliated with or if it caused your business to suffer.

Disability: This is a monetary amount that represents the damages you suffered due to your inability to work, perform household tasks, or engage in regular activities.

Pain and Suffering: This includes physical and emotional pain because of your injuries. It also includes the mental anguish you have experienced since the accident.

Loss of Quality of Life: In some instances, you may experience changes in your life from an accident that can’t be compensated for in any other way.

What Types of Cases Can an Injury Lawyer Help Me with?

Injury lawyers can help with various situations, including car accidents, motorcycle accidents, dangerous or defective products, wrongful death, and medical malpractice. They may also be able to assist with consumer law issues. Ask your attorney whether they specialize in a specific type of case or if they have experience in your case. If they don’t have the experience you need, they can likely recommend you to another lawyer who does. Working with Perenich family of attorneys allows you to network with experienced attorneys and learn about their areas of expertise.



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