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What Are You Looking Forward to When Social Restrictions are Lifted?

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The end is so tantalizingly in sight now. We can see it, smell it, feel it – social restrictions are the easiest they have been since the pandemic first struck in early 2020 and, soon, they will be completely lifted.

There have been a few false alarms, not least with the UK government confirmed that the so-called ‘Freedom Day’ would be delayed by a minimum of four weeks from 21 June to 19 July while the vaccinate program continue to protect more and more people by the day. It is looking like the second half of 2021 may welcome the return to normality.

So, what is everyone looking forward to doing when they no longer have to count how many people they have come round to visit, maintain a social distance or wear a mask when going about their business? Here, we have listed just a few of the things that we can’t wait to get back to.


Summer is made for festivals and whereas 2020 was a complete washout with no physical festivals taking place, instead, having to make do with virtual shows, 2021 is a lot more hopeful. Yes, some festivals have been unlucky in that they were planned too soon for restrictions to be lifted, but others are confident that they can welcome fans back in their droves by the time their planned dates come around.

There is nothing like standing out in an open field with your friends, sipping on a cold drink with your favorite bands blaring out their best tunes. Summer was indeed made for these occasions and the thought that they will soon be back on the menu means that we are as excited as a little kid on Christmas Eve.


Summer weather is BBQ weather and having spent all that time and effort into making our gardens look pristine, now is the time to show them off! Everyone loves a BBQ because it is the perfect opportunity to invite friends and family over for some good food, drinks and a right good laugh – the kind of which we have missed so much over the last year-and-a-half.

Whether you’re the king or queen of the grill, or you need someone else to take on the great responsibility that comes with manning the barbecue, nothing beats having everyone over for a good time. If the weather is kind and the sun is shining, it may just be the highlight of your summer. Fire up that grill!

Full Stadiums

This is one for the sports fans amongst us, who have had to acclimatize to watching their favorite team playing in front of empty stadiums and arenas. Broadcasters have attempted to compensate for this by using fake crowd noise, but the sound of video game-eques roars five seconds after a goal goes in just doesn’t fill the void left by fans.

As restrictions have become eased, venues have been allowed limited numbers which, while diminishing the need for fake crowd noises, still doesn’t pack half the punch as a rocking capacity stadium. With some countries now allowing for full capacity sporting events, those of us who live in areas where this is still a little way off are more than a little jealous. Not only from an aesthetic point of view, but opening stadiums back to full capacity will mean it is easier for fans to purchase tickets with more available to buy.

Holidays Abroad

This is a bit of a tetchy one as, technically, holidays abroad are allowed depending on where you wish to travel to, as long as you adhere to certain restrictions. We are looking forward to the days when you can hop on a plane to wherever, without any form of face covering, and not having to worry about isolating on your way back home.

Staycations are great, but those with wanderlust want – no, need – to travel further afield to satisfy their craving for adventure. When global restrictions have come to an end, you had better believe that dream holiday to the Bahamas is happening!

Even though restrictions are easing, we fully recognize that not everyone is at a stage where they feel comfortable going out and about as they did before the pandemic. To this, we say to take things at your own pace and find your feet slowly – don’t allow anyone to force you to go any quicker than you are comfortable doing. 

The world is opening back up and the end is, finally, insight.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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