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What are the dominant types of online entertainment in the United States?

It is no surprise that most entertainment is now digital. Music, movies, and books are now all easily accessible via a digital platform such as a phone or tablet.

This has made entertainment much more accessible and somewhat replaced the need for physical alternatives. But it begs the question: what are America’s most popular types of online entertainment? Let’s find out!

  • Music and Podcasts 

While the demand for records and other physical music formats remains high, digital music platforms have become integrated into everyday life. It is super easy to stream music and podcasts on the go on our phones.

This feature lets users listen to a wide variety of audio files while they’re driving, exercising, or working. Most Americans prefer to use services such as Apple Music or Spotify. The monthly fees for these are low compared to buying albums individually.

Other popular forms of audio streaming include e-books and web-based radio stations.

  • Online Gambling 

The online gambling market in the US is huge, despite state-level laws. Real money slots, blackjack, Vave Casino, and poker are all popular pastimes across America, even in southern states where tight restrictions are in place.

Luckily, gamblers in states such as Texas have a wide range of offshore gambling websites to opt from. As Jonathan Askew highlights, these legal gambling sites come with significant sign-up bonuses and lots of game options wondering if real money gambling is possible in Texas.

  • Digital Video Games 

Despite the physical availability of games, many gamers are still opting to play their games online. 73% of the game titles sold in 2023 were digital. It ensures that physical constituted only 27% of the market share.

The appeal of online games lies in their scalability and social focus. Online games can easily be adapted and upgraded to suit users’ needs. Plus, most digital games are multi-player, which allows users to socialize over the internet while they play.

  • Non-Console Games 

There has also been a significant increase in Americans playing non-console games in their spare time since the pandemic. By non-console, we mean games played on smartphones and tablets. The most popular mobile games in the US currently include MONOPOLY GO!, Coinmaster, and Royal Match.

The study has found that there are more non-console gamers than there are console gamers. This same study also suggests that the reason for the popularity of non-console games has to do with their connectivity options. It includes the likes of VR headsets and TVs.

  • Streaming 

The vast majority of American households now subscribe to at least one form of online streaming service. Additionally, most Americans now prefer streaming to cable television. 

Apart from being popular for watching movies and TV shows, these services also allow people to watch live sports events that they would typically not be able to access through cable. Some examples of popular sports streaming platforms include ESPN, NBA TV, and Golf Channel.

  • Short-Form Videos

Most individuals do not have the inclination or time to watch a full-length film. Instead, they prefer to view short videos posted on TikTok and YouTube.

However, it’s not only the younger generations who enjoy watching short-form videos. Older age groups can often be found spending break time, travel time, and spare time on their phones watching short, seconds-long clips. The likes of TikTok provide a quick means of entertainment and help people pass the time.

  • Conclusion 

The way Americans consume information has changed due to the rise of mobile phones and internet-connected gadgets. Before, they had to rely on physical media and cable TV. Now, they can play games, gamble online, and watch TV shows using their gadgets.

Despite the digital age, individuals still desire to experience in-person engagements. For example, they still go to movies and watch sports events.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

5 thoughts on “What are the dominant types of online entertainment in the United States?

  • Ooohhh…it’s good to see the video games on your list here. I am back to playing them since the start of this year.

  • Yepsssss.. this is so accurate I am a music and gaming girl.

  • It makes sense that gaming and podcasts are up at the top! Podcasts are a great way to stay motivated while doing passive work and who doesn’t love unwinding with games, whether mindless apps on our phone or strategic video games?

  • Times have changed and so has entertainment, Nowadays people find different things to do and spend their time. This is a great list.

  • I am definitely a podcast junkie – so many that offer learning and entertainment opportunities. I’ll have to try video gaming one of these days. Sounds like a good way to relax.


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