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Ways to Make your Bedroom More Sleep-Friendly

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People who suffer from insomnia often look for ways to improve their sleeping habits. However, what many of them fail to realize is that the answer could be in their bedroom or lies in the way they organize their bedroom space as well as their routine before they go to bed. The most common answer to sleeping issues is often a new mattress, but while this is not a bad idea as one seeks to improve their sleeping, it is but a single factor to consider. There are indeed several issues one needs to consider as they try to change their sleeping habits as well as improve their sleeping environment.

If you did not know, where you sleep matters a lot and goes a long way in determining how much sleep you will have. Often, people ignore factors such as bedroom space or the bedroom organization without realizing that these are important aspects and help determine whether one will get better sleep or not. Your bedroom should be a relaxing place and should offer you the mood reminiscent to rest and unwinding. It should be therapeutic and while in the room, one should sense the difference. This article will help you find several ways to make your bedroom more sleep-friendly.

How to make your Bedroom Sleep-friendly

–          Get a new mattress.

If you wake up with back strains or if you wake up stiff, go and find yourself a new and comfortable mattress. Everything good in life often requires us to invest our time and money in it. What most people do not know is that they also have to invest in their sleep as well. This means you will have to go and buy yourself a new mattress if yours is worn out or is simply making or turning your bedroom into one of the places you dread.

–          Take a bath before you sleep

Taking a bath is always advisable and not because you wish to sleep. Taking a bath is not primarily to help you offload any dirt you might have picked up during the day. It is also a therapeutic exercise and one that should become part of your routine before you get to bed. When you take a bath before you sleep, it helps to lower your body temperature thus helping you to sleep well.

–          Avoid having any night-lights no matter how small

Our brains often detect that which we do not intend them to detect. The night-lights people often have in their homes from phone chargers to power extensions often attract your brain which will wake you up if these lights are not off. Your brain should not be left vulnerable to any of these lights. Therefore, remove any night-lights from your bedroom and ensure your room is totally dark before you sleep.

–          Learn to sleep naked

Sleeping naked is often advised because it helps you find comfortable positions whenever you sleep. Therefore, if you are not used to it, start trying it, and you will soon come to acknowledge the many benefits it accrues. Sleeping naked is quite healthy, but unfortunately, only 8% of people in the world sleep naked. You never lose anything if you try new ideas and I can assure you trying this will not cost you anything.

–          Close your curtains or drapes

As already stated, the brain detects that which is not meant for it. Therefore, to avoid scenarios when you wake to passing cars and flashlights which are often not intended for you, ensure your drapes are closed.

The above points will indeed help you improve your sleeping habits.

However, there are two more methods you can try and invest in just to better your sleep. They include:

–          The use of motion systems and actuators to help you improve your sleeping habits and sleeping environment.

Apparently, there is no single area in your house where you cannot use actuators. Whether it is in your sitting room or your bedroom, actuators (For more information, see https://www.actuatorzone.com/actuators) can be used anywhere, and the results are never disappointing. If you are looking to invest in your sleep or comfort, you definitely need a comfort bed whose capabilities are enhanced by the use of actuators. A comfort bed is perfect for you and will adjust it however you wish it to thus helping you deal with your comfort needs.

–          Increase or maximize bedroom space.

Some people fail to sleep and rush to buy a new mattress. However, after a while, they discover their problem persists and that they still cannot sleep. Living in a stuffy room or trying to sleep in a stuffy room is always a problem and your sleep environment cannot be referred to as sleep-friendly. You need to ensure your room is less stuffy and that you have more space in your room. You can start by giving away things you do not use or throwing away empty boxes just to ensure your room is not stuffy. Additionally, you need to select your furniture wisely and ensure you will not have problems fitting them in your room especially if you are living in a small room.


In conclusion, sleep is quite essential for every person, and you need to always seek for an environment that will help you sleep well. Invest in your sleep and always seek to improve your sleep environment.




Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

11 thoughts on “Ways to Make your Bedroom More Sleep-Friendly

  • Pingback: Slumber hack – why a mattress matters - Night Helper

  • My husband and our 8 year old has insomnia. It’s pretty bad. We did just get everyone new mattresses and it has helped some. I love your list of suggestions and they are very practical. Now… if I could just get my husband to turn the TV off. Ugh.

  • Love this! Very helpful. We just rearranged our bedroom and I feel like it’s completelt comfy and cozy now and I want to go to sleep! I need to try a few other things but I think I’m off to a good start! These are great tips!

  • I love the idea of getting curtains for my bedroom. I really need to invest in some pretty ones that I like in the day and night. I need to block out all of the light and that is the only way to do it with the set up at my home. Thanks for the reminder!

  • Yes to all of these! I have insomnia and I have progressively made changes to my bedroom to help me sleep, including having less light peep in at night and trying to soundproof it more. Also, limited mess in the room helps as there’s more ‘clean’ air and sense to the room. I’m still on the path of improvement, so thanks for providing more ideas!

  • your first tip, a new mattress may be the way to go in 2018. Its is so time to get a new mattress. In the meantime, I think having new blackout drapes will be helpful. What I have now doesnt make the room dark enough.

  • Nothing is better than a new quality mattress that is for sure! I also say to paint your room a color that relaxes you. I like my paint darker. Great tips! Thank you!

  • Sleep has always been difficult for me. I struggle often and probably average about five hours a night, and that is sometimes broken up. These are great suggestions. A warm bath does help me, sleeping naked is a big no go for me, I can’t, I always feel worried, like I might need to run out of bed for some reason, and I end up more uncomfortable. I guess I have issues…lol

  • These are such great tips. I’m anti all-nighters. I pulled one last year when I mixed up my final exam dates but that was my first in maybe 2 or 3 years. Getting a proper amount of sleep has made all the difference in my mood and productivity.

  • I have 2 things to do on this list: to get a new mattress and to install a roller blind. We live on the side where the sun rises so even though it rises at 7, it still is quite bright. (Though I love seeing the different sunrise view from our window.) Thanks for this list, I wanted to add getting an air filter…really makes the room smell fresh and clean…

  • These are all great ideas! I don’t think people realize how important it is to sleep in the right environment. I definitely found that sleeping naked helps me immensely since I always get wound up in pajamas.


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