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Top 10 Baby Names Trending in 2014


Baby names have changed a lot in the last decade with different trends affecting the way people think. Current trends include using boys names for girls, making up brand new names, names beginning with K and the hipsters are having their say too, choosing names with real individuality to ensure their babies have the trendiest, artiest names possible. Other name trends have become popular in 2014 with the popular TV Show, Game of Thrones having an influence on peoples name choices as well as the two royal births in the United Kingdom also influencing peoples decisions.

With these trends in mind, here are the top ten baby names trending in 2014.

First up are the boys

  1. LiamLiam derives from the Frankish name Willlahelm, which we know more commonly as William. It is an Irish name, taken from the Irish name Uilliam.  Liam means protector and strong-willed warrior.
  2. JasonJason comes from the Greek name lason. It is derived from the Greek iasthai, meaning ‘to heal’, so Jason would be considered the name of a healer. In Greek mythology, Jason was the leader of the Argonauts.
  3. EthanEthan is the name of a wise man in the Old Testament and is a Hebrew name, meaning solid or enduring. After the Protestant Reformation, it became a popular name in English speaking countries.
  1. MasonMason is one of the old occupational names such like Baker or Archer. Mason is a French name with some Germanic influence and means stoneworker.
  1. JacobJacob was the son of Isaac and Rebecca in the Old Testament who later became known as Isaac. He was born holding his twin brother’s heel and the name means ‘supplanter’. The name is of Hebrew origins.

Next, the girls

  1. EllieEllie is short for Eleanor, from the old French name Aliénor. It was made popular in England in the Middle Ages due to the fame of Eleanor of Aquitaine and then again in more recent times by Eleanor Roosevelt. The name means light.
  1. ZoeyZoey is form of the fourth most popular trending girls name of 2014, Zoe. It is of Greek origins and means life.
  2. NatalieNatalie comes from the Latin name Natalia which meant Christmas Day. The name Natalie is usually reserved for children who are born on Christmas Day as that is its literal translation. It was made popular in the United States by actress Natalie Wood in the early 1900’s.
  1. ZoeOf Greek origins, Zoe means life. It was adopted by Hellenized Jews as a translation of Eve in early times. Since the nineteenth century it has become a popular English name, most commonly used among Eastern Christians.
  1. AudreyIn 1599, the name Audrey was used by William Shakespeare in his comedy ‘As You Like It’. As the end of the Middle Ages, it began to become less used as it was associated with the word tawdry, derived from St. Audrey, the name of a fair where cheap lace was sold. Audrey means noble strength.

Name trends are ever-changing, and every year brings with it new baby names that have never been heard of before. 2014 has seen a return of some of the old favorites like ‘Liam’ and ‘Audrey,’  it will be interesting to see what other names become popular before the year is over.



Brenda O’Brien is a full time mother and part time parenting blogger based in London writing on behalf of Sleepymoon Cards – a start up business selling unique, top quality baby thank you cards.


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