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Health & Fitness

Tips to take good care of your skin and hair during the lockdown


Now, it’s been quite some time that all of us have been pushed into our homes amidst the ongoing pandemic of Coronavirus that has baffled the world around us. Just like most industries and businesses, even beauty salons are shut. Trust me, even if they open up, anytime soon, it is best to keep yourself away from it, given the fact that the virus is still there, and it is every bit contagious. So, it is time you adapt to a new normal when it comes to your hair and skin maintenance. Yes, we suggest going back to the basics. It is time to adopt some home hair and skincare tips. Here, we have come up with a bunch of such tips that you can easily follow during the lockdown.

Tips for oily or acne-prone skin

Yes, the beauty parlors are shut, the non-urgent cosmetology and dermatology OPDs are non-operational, and your local store from where you stock all the wellness products is out of products. But, fret not! There is still a way out to maintain your beautiful hair and skin by following just a few basic tips.

  • Summers are particularly hard on people with acne-prone or oily skin. Thus, it is recommended that you buy a face wash, which is Salicylic Acid-based, and then wash your face with it at least two to three times a day. You can also switch to an earthen clay or sandalwood powder or pack and use it at home. Apply them anytime you see a pimple pop up. In case you are unable to find any of this, just stick to the curd and turmeric, mix them up, make a pack, and you are done. Jessica, an expert offering the best data science certification course, says that in this lockdown, she’s been using a lot of home-made packs and scrubs, and the effect is so good that she doesn’t think, she’ll ever switch to chemical-based products.


  • People who have active acne shouldn’t be using scrubs. The scrubs are slightly hard on the skin and can burst your acne and make them painful. It might also lead to permanent scarring or pigmentation. Furthermore, bursting of acne can also cause fatty acid radicals to spread across the other corners of the face, which can increase your pimples. So, stick to your regular face wash and apply home-made face packs at least two times a week. Anushka, an online pay for papers expert, says that she has acne-prone skin, and to combat it she introduced earthen clay and sandalwood packs in her skin-care routine, and it has made her skin more radiant and acne-free.

A DIY scrub that you can make at home  

Take wheat flour and mix it with turmeric and curd. Get this mixture into a paste and apply it on your face. Let it sit for about half an hour to dry completely. Now, remove the paste gently by massaging your face in a circular motion. And then finally, rinse off with water.

Taking care of dry skin at home

People with dry skin need a little tweaking in their face scrub. You can eliminate the curd from the pack and switch it with either milk or honey. After using this face pack, don’t forget to moisturize your skin thoroughly. Tanya, an online provider of accounting homework help services, says that now that she’s been home for 60+ days, she just lets her skin be makeup-free and that in itself has brought a major glow to the skin.

Tips for hair care

Usually, the condition of our hair normally deteriorates in summer because of all the sweat and the heat. However, now that you are indoors, the quality of your hair might have automatically improved. Further, stick to a good shampoo and conditioner routine, and follow it at least 2 times a week. You can also use curd or egg as a hair mask once a week, for best results. Iliana, an online expert offering assignment help services, says that now that she’s home more often, she has started oiling her hair before washing them, and it has made her hair stronger. So, yes, in addition to shampooing and conditioning, you should also oil your hair at least once a week.



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