
Tips For Buying Pet Insurance

Pet insurance is still being one of the most contradictory services, as sometimes pet keepers joke that if you are rich enough to get insurance for your pet, you simply don’t need it. You can cover all the expenses yourself and still won’t exceed the budget limits. Of course, like in many other cases of so-called unsought products, there are a lot of myths and legends, at least half of those have nothing to do with reality. But, there’s one thing no one disagrees with. Buying pet insurance, you can buy at least a peace of mind and a feeling you won’t be left alone having faced some unexpected issues with your cat or dog.

You can also estimate some costs of pet keeping before they occur, as analyzing an insurance contract can provide a lot of insights into what bills you are likely to pay in different urgent situations.  As for the costs of the average et insurance package, we’ll talk a bit later. But the main point is how much you are ready to pay to save the life of your pets if they get old, sick, or seriously injured. So if you are considering getting a beneficial pet insurance basis, let’s analyze the main types of it available in the market:


Accident policy

This type of insurance policy may be also called “accident-only”. This is the least expensive proposition you can get from the insurer and covers the risks of accidents your pet may get into. Among the services covered by this policy are urgent veterinary care if your pet gets injured, but they exclude any coverage of the vet care if your pet gets ill without any accident.

Annual policy

Within this insurance package, you pay the fixed premiums for a calendar year. This policy usually covers only general health conditions. Most of the insurers are not likely to offer this type of insurance in the case if your pet (cat or dog) has turned 5 years, as they omit the pre-existing conditions and find it quite expensive to pay the vet bills as your dog gets old. Among the advantages of this policy are its price and the possibility to switch to a cheaper option if you don’t exceed the limits during the insurance year.

Lifetime policy

This is the most expensive but also the most comprehensive policy. The package normally can be offered to the pet keepers whose pets are old and cover expenses related to the health conditions the et can develop during the entire life, regardless of the age and pre-existing conditions You also pay the premiums annually, but the cost usually increases as the company foresees some changes in the pet’s health as it grows older.

The main tips to choose insurance

Now let’s analyze the main tips on how to choose the best option if you have decided to but insurance for your pet, and you don’t want to get into a trap:

– Keep calm and don’t make quick decisions

If it is available on the insurer’s website or mobile application, use the calculator and estimate an average monthly premium, including the option you would like to have. Then learn how the costs will increase within 10 insuring years, taking into account the lifespan perspectives of your pet. In this way, you can easily predict all the future expenses and understand whether it’s worth it or not.

– Learn what is covered by the insurance plan and what is not

Here analyze the types of vet treatment and other bills that are impossible to claim to. The other important issue is the list of pre-existing conditions that are covered and those that are rejected. Normally, it’s difficult to find an insurance package covering them, but still, if we talk about lifetime policies, there’s a chance to insure your pet against some of them. In many policies, the treatment process is covered, but they won’t cover the expenses of diagnostic services if your pet is injured or gets ill.

– The sooner you apply the better

Puppies and kittens from the age of 8-10 weeks can usually be insured. So, to avoid rejections based on age and pre-existing conditions. It this way, you might start paying premiums earlier, but in a long-term perspective, it will be easier to manage your policy when the pet gets old, as the insurer is a kind of live bystander of all the changes in their life.

– Estimate your budget in advance

If you find it almost impossible to buy life insurance for your pet, then analyze the accident-only policies, taking into account the complicity of the insurance coverage. At least you’ll have done something to minimize your risks, and it’s always easy to predict the costs for the next insurance years, as the premium amounts in these packages usually don’t increase year to year.

– Learn more about the policies for your pet

Getting pet insurance is not as easy as buying a dog toothbrush stick or some cute cat accessories. If we talk about cats and dogs, that are the most widespread pets, there are always many offers in the means of their insurance in the market, but as for small mammals that live a shorter life and some exotic animals you can keep at home, there’s always a chance of more complicated situations. Exotic animals, along with the health and accident risks, are more likely to get stolen, so you should also consider the packages covering this case and have enough evidence to prove the purchase price of your pet as you address an insurer.

Rabbits and hamsters suffer from many kinds of contagious diseases, so if you are getting insurance for them, make sure these cases are included. Some dogs are genetically predisposed to skeletons diseases or respiratory health conditions, so analyze whether it can be included in your plan. Anyway, even before analyzing the general conditions of the insurance plan, you must know whether it is possible to get a beneficial policy basis for your pet, taking into account its type, age, and health conditions now and some possible changes in the nearest future.



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