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Things to remove from your junk car before you are planning to sell them

Thinking on the lines of turning your junk car into cash? Instead of adopting such a strategy there is an option to earn a decent amount of money from the clunker. It has to be stated that recycle companies are more interested in the metal components of the vehicle.  But there are other parts that you would be more interested at a separate level.  When you are ready to find a junk yard that buys junk cars remember to remove these items.

GPS system

Does the junk car have an in built GPS system? A strategy of selling them separately in order to earn more cash for your junk car could be adopted. If the system is ok, you can go on to sell it for hundreds of dollars as well. It has to be stated that potable GPS is not going to fetch you that much money but it still would be a better choice to remove from your junk car before you are planning to sell them.

Catalytic convertors

Any car that is manufactured after the year 1975, has to have a catalytic convertor. It would indicate that the car part is always in demand. It has a host of precious materials and the part has a resale value that is indeed worthwhile.


Another part which is valuable and you can sell for cash are the fenders. There are responsible for protecting the wheel wells along with the under carriage, fenders  are for sure going to earn some extra bucks. For replacement tenders in relation to the new cars could be expensive, so car owners are always on the lookout to save some cash. If the fender is in good condition you can go on to save a lot of cash as well.


The utility of bumper lies in the fact that it protects the front and back end of a car when accidents of low impact is felt. In modern times the vehicles have bumpers that are incorporated from plastic or steel. With the new design it is prepared in such a way that any form of damage is prevented. It all depends upon how old the car and the bumper is, cash value is based on that.

Car batteries

These are valuable parts that should be removed from the car junk before you are planning to sell them. A couple of ways could be adopted by which you can go on to earn money from a car battery. First and foremost you could take it to a junk yard and then recycle it. This would fetch you around $ 20. A battery that is in functional stage is going to fetch you more money that a dead one. In either manner it is extra cash from your junk car.

Cooling system

In summers a car without a car conditioning would be virtually like hell. For this reason a fully air conditioner would be very high in demand. This is all the more so during the summer months and you can remove the air conditioner and earn few extra bucks.

For more tips on how to prepare to sell you junk car check out this junk car blog


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Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

3 thoughts on “Things to remove from your junk car before you are planning to sell them

  • Very informative post, thank you so much for sharing! I didn’t know about a lot of these things.

  • Nice to know about this, saving money even selling things

  • I liked the tip to take the catalytic converters out before selling you junk car, as you can sell it separately. My dad’s car is on it’s last leg and he’s been wanting to sell it to a junk yard. I’ll be sure to share this article with him, so he can optimize the amount of money he gets.


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