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The ULTIMA™ 7.5FT Pre-Lit Artificial Christmas Tree That Leaves You Speechless! #ULTIMAtree

In the spirit of the holidays I wish to share with you the ULTIMA™ 7.5FT Pre-Lit Artificial Christmas Tree! When I say this Christmas tree is grand and embodies the spirit of Christmas, then trust me when I say it’s perfect for your home. At least that’s what my family and I deeply believe. The moment you place it up and decorate it, the mood in your home will definitely change.

For years, nine to be exact, we’ve struggled with a frail artificial Christmas tree that never could even compare to this monstrous one by ULTIMA. Despite our tree doing its job, it was still quite the hassle for us each year to dress, decorate, and clean up all the fallen green branches.

But this year things have changed, because now the ULTIMA™ 7.5FT Pre-Lit Artificial Christmas Tree will be the easiest, artificial Christmas tree that we’ve ever had.

The ULTIMA™ 7.5FT Pre-Lit Artificial Christmas Tree was designed to make setting up a tree fun and easy.  You see, your ULTIMA tree spreads the weight of a traditional Christmas tree over 10 lightweight and easy to use sections. This makes the sections lighter, less bulky, fun to assemble, and each section weighs less than 9 pounds.

Each branch section is Wrap & Strap protected and gently compressed to help extend the life of the storage box.  This process also makes it easier for the customer to unpack and store away until next year. Plus inside your box are also inner trays to keep branches separated!


Once you remove your Wrap & Strap branches, spread them out accordingly by numbers on your floor. Each one has a number to indicate how to start placing your tree within the stand.


Now the standard setup is quite simple, remove your stand from the box, place at desired position, and connect plugs. Keep in mind that with the ULTIMA tree you already have 680 energy-saving LED multi-function lights, which switches from white to multi-colored lights in nine different patterns with just the touch of a button…cool right!

Next grab your number one Wrap & Strap branch, place it within the stand, and twist until you see your lights come on. I can’t believe there are no wires except for the plugin ones. That’s because the ULTIMA tree has what they call Patent Pending CleanConnect™ Technology: this technology minimizes wires and eliminates the need to hunt through the tree for connector plugs. Again, all you need to do is twist and VIOLA!!!


You will follow this process until you have assembled all the branches. After all of them have been placed in position, then you can add your desire decorations. You’ll end up with a Beautiful full ULTIMA™ 7.5FT Pre-Lit Artificial Christmas Tree like this!


Gorgeous, wouldn’t you say? As stated before the ULTIMA tree is simple to assemble along with the eliminating the struggle of finding the right slot for each branch similar to my old tree. It actually took us less than an hour to assemble and spread out the branches, so we could get the full effect of the tree. The ULTIMA tree 3,275 easy shape tips also makes shaping your tree more effective too.

There is so much to love about this tree such as the different texture of needle branches. One looks like pine and the other one reminds me of something like spruce. Another great thing my family and I noticed was inside the tree there is what the company calls: Ornament Enhancing Lights, that enhancer light set’s off a warm glow to your inner ornaments, which is pretty sweet to see as the tree is lit at night!

You will also never need to worry about losing your instructions, because your instructions are listed in side the box panel.  Therefore, you can assemble your ULTIMA tree every year without fail!

I don’t know about anyone else, but I have found the perfect Christmas tree this year and it’s the ULTIMA tree! I have never seen anything like this tree before, it’s unique, time savings, fashionable, easy to assemble, and equipped with everything you need to get your tree setup! It’s fast and most of all it’s HUGE…LOL!!

My family and I adore the ULTIMA tree and I plan on informing everyone about this marvelous tree this Holiday Season.



Get the tree that can transform in minutes and bring so much happiness to any home within seconds!

The ULTIMA tree will be available on QVC November 12th, and you can also purchase the ULTIMA tree here. There is also a $100 off plus free shipping promo code: MOMSOCIETY

Well don’t wait, grab this gorgeous tree today so you can see just how effencient it will be, and how beautiful it will make your home!

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Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

73 thoughts on “The ULTIMA™ 7.5FT Pre-Lit Artificial Christmas Tree That Leaves You Speechless! #ULTIMAtree

  • I really like the idea of saving some time and effort. Neat tree.

  • Very realistic. Wish I had one for this year!

  • Love the look of this tree!

  • I’m not a huge fan of fake trees, but this looks nice and seems easy to put together.

  • Nice Christmas tree.

  • im loving this tree. i used to only want real trees but without a car thats not possible

  • That tree looks beautiful! I love it! It is really great looking for an artificial tree.

  • I love love the tree the blue is gorgeous. It is so stunning

  • wow, interesting to see how easy it is, quite beautiful too!

  • Gorgeous tree!!

  • Beautiful tree! I like pre-lit trees. They help protect precious resources and save money.

  • This seems so much easier than a regular tree. The way the lights go on and everything, just so simple.

  • This is a gorgeous tree. We are using a small one now for our apartment but hopefully, next year, we will be moving and have more space.

  • It does look very pretty. I can see it’s easy to put together and put up. I don’t have a need for a Christmas tree but I can recommend this tree to anyone looking for a stress free tree this holiday season 🙂

  • Beautiful tree….I want one! 🙂 I need easy and light weight.

  • I would love to have a new Christmas tree this year. This one is beautiful

  • wow… that sounds amazing. I remember how annoying it was to try and find the plugs. this would be super simple

  • This Christmas tree is amazing

  • WOW! I am shocked on how easy this was to put together, I don’t own a tree but I should invest in this one, I really like that its super easy to handle.

  • I love these trees so pretty and so much easier.

  • That is a beautiful tree! I love that there are no cords to wrap. This would be great to have.

  • Oh how I love this tree. I can’t believe how easy it is to put together and how beautiful it is. My daughter is looking to buy a new tree this year, I will have to tell her about this one.

  • Wowza, you surely do end up wtih a beautiful finished product. I’m all about simple and beautiful and this is both.

  • wish my tree looked that good

  • This seems like a nice and easy tree to put up but I buy a fresh, big and wide tree every year. I love the scent of a real tree.

  • Such a pretty tree! Happy Holidays 🙂

  • Beautiful tree! I prefer colored lights though, but it definitely looks like a real tree.

  • The tree sounds so easy to put together and not having to string lights is awesome.

  • Your tree looks pretty and I like that it is prelit.

  • I love the tree and the lights! It looks so pretty!

  • This is a beautiful tree. I’ve always thought about getting a prelit, it would be so much easier.

  • That tree is what I want to do with my tree for Christmas. You have a gorgeous one! I feel like I haven’t made enough effort and I want to put more energy into decorating.

  • I love the tree and the lights. I need to get an artificial tree. Love the review!

  • it is Beautiful tree.

  • I love this tree! Having it prelit is making it look even better! I need one.

  • i love the tree, but it wont fit in my living room

  • Your tree looks so pretty! I love hot easy it is to put up and take down.

  • Prelit trees are awesome. They save so much time and hassle. We have one but unfortunately, my hubby grabbed the all white bulb one which was too bright and gave me migranes so we still have to add lights each year.

  • Beautiful tree.

  • With four young kiddo’s in my home, our Christmas tree is a big deal and the centerpiece of our home during the holidays, but unpacking and stringing the lights is the one thing I dread about decorating every year! This tree would be perfect, relieving the stress of taking the tree out and I love the way this tree looks!

  • The tree looks so beautiful. I would love this. It would save time on me stringing the lights myself

  • As much as I love to decorate the tree. I love that it’s pre lit saves me the time to put on lights and I get fustrated if it doesn’t go my way or if looks messed up. LOL call me crazy, but I know I am not the only one.

  • I need to get one of these. Our tree is missing a leg.

  • OMGosh this tree looks so full and pretty. I really love that it has LED lights and that you can change from white to multi-colored lights , how cool is that!

  • Oh Christmas Tree you are awesome! I am ready to put one of these tress up in my house.

  • I love pre lit trees. It makes the job so much easier and the lights always look perfect!

  • Gorgeous tree! I love the blue & silver!

  • this tree is very pretty. I need a new tree. I am checking this company out.

  • The tree is beautiful! I love that the directions can’t be lost! lol That’s a good thing. It sounds fairly easy to assemble too.

  • I just love, love the blue and silver! It is so beautiful and I love how you showed the branches and what they looked like individually.

  • This is beautiful. We have to get a new tree this year. We moved and forgot it at our old house. So now I have to have a new one.

  • This definitely is the most gorgeous artificial Christmas Tree that I’ve ever seen! Thanks for your great review! I think we need one of these Trees, this year 🙂 Thank you for the $100 off plus free shipping promo code: MOMSOCIETY!!

  • What a beautiful tree! Thanks for the coupon code!!!

  • Yasss! I love this! This tree is amazing!

  • Such a beautiful tree. I love your decorations! There are so many lights and that is something I love!

  • Lights are always the worst to put up and take off in my opinion! What a perfect solution this is!

  • Oh my goodness, I just love the colors of the decorations on your tree. The blue and silver are so elegant. This tree is truly awesome!

  • WOW! Your tree came out amazing! I love the blue you used.

  • What a beautiful tree and it has lights on it already, for me the lights are the hardest part to put on a tree, My Mom gave me a white tree and I am decorating it in blue

  • That is a very pretty tree. We have always bought a fresh tree each year, but I am so very done with it. I am going to have to show my husband this tree. The price is very reasonable for a nice, prelit tree.

  • The holidays are stressful enough, so having a gorgeous pre-lit tree that goes up in a flash is a great way to ease a bit of the burden.

  • We need a new tree this year and this one is awesome.

  • Love bright trees!

  • Wow that tree is the easiest and the prettiest of artificial trees I have seen! So nice to finally have a prelit that looks so real but still easy to set up!

  • Nice! I like it switching colors from white to colored and the different patters. Awesome! Our tree is up but I want one now.

  • I love your tree. Thanks for sharing a coupon code with us, so that we, too, can get this beautiful tree.

  • Love the way your tree turned out Lisa, very pretty! 🙂


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