
The Future of Portable Tech for Travelers

Do you travel a lot? Then one of the great challenges you’d be facing is how to move your workspace from one place to the other. Besides the change of environment, most professionals may also find it rather inconvenient to work from their phones or a smaller screen. Fortunately, technological trends have advanced to meet these needs by offering more portable technology for travelers. 

Some of these trends include the portable monitors and screen extenders. In this post, we’ll be enlightening you on the multiple options you now have to replicate your workspace so that it seems like you never left. 

We’ll also shed more light on the Mobile Pixels Trio laptop screen extender, highlighting its features and advanced provisions that make it the best partner for all your travels. Ready for these? Then let’s jump right in!


Future Trends in Portable Technology for Frequent Travelling Professionals

While this list only contains about 5 technological speculations for travelers, there are surely more that you can dive into. However, these are the few that we believe will truly transform your environment (wherever that may be) into the most convenient, work-friendly, and efficient workspace ever. 

Wireless travel routers & Global Mobile Hotspots

As number one, this is a must-have for all travelling professionals since it is what connects you to your online workspace. You may not always be sure of the internet connection at your destinations; therefore, you’ll need these portable routers which will help you to create a secure, private Wi-Fi network, hence, protecting your online activities from potential security threats.

Portable Monitors

More than just your computer, you’ll also need to have an extended display which replicates the result of a conventional monitor. Made to be slimmer, and lighter, these devices are easier to carry around and most of all, the connection process is as simple as ‘plug and play.’ 

NB: While shopping for a portable monitor, look for those that have a backup battery feature so that you can save the battery on your computer while using the monitor. 

Flexible and Foldable Displays

Step away from the conventional display and invest in the flexible options like Mobile Pixels’ trio three-screen monitor extender. Made to provide you with two more screens, they also offer you the flexibility of a rotating display which makes them very adaptable to different environments.

Devices with Mobile Devices Enhanced Integration 

It’s not every time you’ll be able to carry your laptop with you. Therefore, you should invest in a device (or portable monitor) that integrates seamlessly with your mobile devices. The integration may be by wired or a wireless connection. However, it’s best to opt for the cabled connection if your journeys reach secluded areas with bad connections. 

Travel adapters with USB ports

Finally, you’ll also need to invest in compact and versatile adapters. Due to their design, they make it possible for you to charge multiple devices simultaneously, which is a great help for places with limited power supply outlets. A great tip is to get an adapter that’s compatible with various international power outlet types, so as not to be constricted when faced with a unique outlet configuration. 

Why is the Trio Laptop Screen Extender the best investment?


Among all the options listed above, the best thing you can do for yourself is to invest in the triple laptop screen extender. Here’s why we believe it’s the best you can get out there:

  1. Multiple Screens: The number reason the triple screen extender’s the best is because of the two extra screens you’ll be getting. With the wider screen estate, you’ll be able to see more, split your windows, multi-task, and do more with better accuracy and efficiency.
  2. Improved Battery Life: Similarly, you’ll no longer need to worry about getting an extra portable monitor that’ll drain your laptop’s battery life. With the extender, you’ll be using your computer’s battery life for a single device, as intended by the manufacturer. 
  3. Portability: Depending on what brand you buy from, laptop screen extenders vary between 3 and 5lbs. The Mobile Pixels’s Trip max is just around 3.5lbs, which is light as a pen.
  4. Need for Less Charging Solutions: Since you’d be working with lesser digital devices, you don’t need to worry about charging multiple devices. Things like a digital speaker, e-reader, bluetooth devices, and other needed devices are already in-built. Therefore, your load would even be less cluttered. 
  5. Smooth Connection and Cloud Integration: Again, the triple screen extender for monitors also fosters a smooth connection and cloud integration. If you’ve been using the extender from home, then you can simply sync your operations so that when you turn it all on, you’ll be continuing from where you stopped, making it seem like you never travelled in the first place. 


While there are many possible digital trends for travelling professionals, the portable screen extender seems to be the best investment at the end of the day, offering benefits like portability, convenience, safety, and the promotion of work efficiency. Remember that there are multiple brands offering the portable monitor and screen extenders. Ensure to research properly for the features that matter the most to you, consider your budget, and make the purchase for a smoother, more productive trip. 



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

24 thoughts on “The Future of Portable Tech for Travelers

  • It’s good to have a glimpse into the future of portable tech. The emphasis on convenience and versatility in these emerging gadgets is particularly exciting for frequent travelers.

  • Your article on the future of portable tech for travelers is fascinating! I love how you’ve highlighted the latest gadgets and trends—makes planning trips so much easier and more exciting. Big thanks to your sponsors for supporting such cutting-edge content!

  • The portable screen extender is new! But isn’t it quite heavy and space-consumon???

  • That trio laptop screen would be neat to have. All those gadgets would be handy for traveling professionals, for sure.

  • I do a bit of traveling and I honestly miss my second screen at home when I have to use only my laptop. I’m going to look into laptop screen extenders!

  • I bought a portable charger for my last job and loved it! I was able to dual screen and multitask on the go! I love cool gadgets like these!

  • I love all this great tech! I do work when I am traveling, and it is nice to have these amenities.

  • I have seen some people using screen extenders and I am now thinking of investing in them as I am working on my laptop anywhere and most of the time I need to have multiple screens to have an easy navigation.

  • This would come in handy when I travel for vacations. This would be perfect.

  • I definitely need the Mobile Pixels’ trio three-screen monitor extender. I am used to working using 2 monitors and honestly, there is a huge adjustment whenever we travel and had to work on my laptop. Happy to know that it’s light and portable.

  • I need a new laptop soon, and I will definitely be looking for this trio screen extender when it comes time. This is great information.

  • The strides we’ve made in the advancement of technology in such a short period of time is astounding to me. These glimpses of what’s in store for future mobile tech is nothing short of amazing to me!

  • Thank you for this very informative post. I have to prepare things like this for the future. Increasingly advanced technology means we have to be up to date.

  • I don’t even think I knew screen extenders like this existed. Good to know though because these could come in handy in so many different ways.


  • I love learning about new tech since I am kind of a tech geek. Thanks for the information – it will be helpful as I look for more.

  • Juggles work and family while traveling, the tips on portable monitors and screen extenders are incredibly helpful. I’m definitely looking into the Mobile Pixels Trio now.

  • Investing in a triple laptop screen extender seems like the best decision you can make for enhanced productivity making it an essential tool for traveling professionals. Thanks for sharing this info!

  • I bring my work with me when I travel. Those monitors would be very useful.

  • This post is fascinating! The advancements in portable tech for travelers are truly exciting.

  • This is the post I’ve been looking for! I’ve been looking for the tech i need for my upcoming trip!

  • I have a desktop I use for work, and it’s outfitted with two monitors. I’ve had to work remotely a few times, and it was a nightmare with my laptop. I have to get an extender!

  • Oh yes, they do come in handy, that’s for sure. I always love when things can be portable.

  • Holy cow! I need to get on of these for my laptop. Even being at home most of the time, this would be a HUGE help in navigating all the windows I have open for work during the day.


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