Health & Fitness

How to stay fit with a full time job?

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In this fast-paced life, everybody wants to ace in their career and reach the top by cutting through the competition. But delay in working hours, sedentary lifestyle and target not only affects the physical well-being of the individual but also exhausts the mind. Constant pressure and hectic work schedule not only kills the personal and social life of the person but also invites diseases and disorders like blood pressure fluctuations, insomnia, hypertension, fatigue, weight gain and much more. So, it is important to manage professional and personal life so that it does not make one disease prone. But how can a person stay fit and healthy in such competitive times?

According to an old adage,” When wealth is lost, something is lost; but when health is lost, everything is lost.” By adding few things in routine, one can transform their lives and add efficiency to work. How is it possible? When the mind is stress free and body is active, it will work in coordination with a mind to give best results. So, let’s explore simple tweaks that can change your life:

Ø  Change early morning rituals: How about replacing reading newspaper or emails with a nature walk or meditation? This small change will make you start your day fresh and on the positive note creating vibes for the whole day. When a person starts his day with himself rather than latest or breaking news, it will help him reconnect with himself and prioritize his day and life making him less frustrated and more effective.

Ø  Have a fixed sleeping time: Are you suffering from insomnia? Invest in a good mattress and bed using codes from but have a comfortable and relaxing mattress that helps you have a sound sleep. Also, it is important to have 6-7 hours of sleep, so try sleeping early and on the set time at least on weekdays. It will help you to wake up fresh mind not groggy and body will also feel well rested.

Ø  Create time for a physical pursuit: In order to stay fit, it is important to adopt a fitness regimen that will help you to shed extra pounds, keep the body active and flexible. It will help to boost the immunity and metabolism leading to a disease-free and active lifestyle.

Ø  Spare few minutes for contemplation: It is said nobody is our better judge than us. So spare few minutes to contemplate and introspect on your actions, decisions, and problems. By giving time to yourself, you will able to solve core problem areas and feel that work or job is not taking a toll on life. Develop the habit of reading spiritual books that create positive vibes and connect you deep inside.

Ø  Socialize and network out of social media: Social networking sites are not the place to connect in fact it is important to take out time and actually meet people, talk to them, share your opinions and have a strong social network. After all, man is a social animal so why stay isolated and secluded? Having a social circle deviates from the tensions and mundane routine, helping to create everlasting bonds and open new vistas in life.

These are some essential replacements that will make life easy and fun. Undoubtedly career is important, and competition is fierce in a competitive world but with right approach and time management, one can live a stress free and active life. So, don’t absorb yourself in work and learn to stay not just physically but emotionally and mentally fit as well.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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