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Soundproof Windows: A Nursery Essential that Most Parents Ignore

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Babies bring happiness to the family, and this is why a lot of newly married couples would like to have a child of their own as soon as possible. Of course, this involves a huge responsibility for the parents, especially when it comes to preparing for the arrival of their bundle of joy.

During pregnancy, the couple has about nine months to prepare for the needs of the baby – from buying clothes and baby accessories to building a nursery. The latter may be a huge task for some expectant parents, mainly due to the lack of information about how to build a nursery. In this article, we will discuss how soundproof windows should not be overlooked when planning a nursery.

Why Soundproof the Nursery?

First things first, babies may cry a lot because of different things: from feeling hungry and having a wet diaper, to having colic. However, one thing that some parents may miss out is the disturbing noise from the surroundings.

No matter how much we try to close our windows, outdoor sounds may still be heard from the inside. The best thing to do is to build a nursery with a fantastic sound-proof system.

Soundproofing gets rid of environmental sounds that affect our everyday lives, and disturb the natural sleeping patterns of babies. You may feel the need for soundproofing when you live near a busy street, train station, airport, or noisy neighborhood.

Bottom line, babies need to have plenty of sleep to become healthy. Unfortunately, their sleep may be disrupted with too much noise around. The importance of having soundproof windows around your baby’s nursery cannot be emphasized enough.

Installing ordinary windows may not be enough to protect your baby’s nursery from outside noise. What your baby needs is to always be in a calm and relaxing place to be able to sleep well all the time. Living across a busy street where there’s too much noise would definitely affect your baby’ sleep.

In other words, installing soundproof windows creates a very comfortable sleeping space for your baby.

Tips on Installing Soundproof Windows

Here are some great tips and considerations when planning to put up specially designed windows and to protect your house against sound:

  • If you are living in an apartment, it is likely that you will have to deal with next door neighbors. The first tip is to never place your baby’s crib near a shared wall.
  • You may find it very useful to place a canvas over the shared wall so you can be able to eliminate the sound from your neighbor. However, you may need to seek permission from your landlord.
  • If you are going to push through with installing new soundproof windows, make sure that you replace the original windows should you decide to move to another place afterwards.
  • You may also use a large carpet made of wool over the entire room to reduce any baffling sound coming from the apartment below you. It is the best material of choice because it can tremendously reduce the sound instead of using flat-woven carpets.

Adding a soundproof system may be quite expensive, but it can be a great investment as it can be a good selling point if you decide to sell your home in the future. Houses with value-adding components can earn a great return on the owner’s investment when setting the asking price.




Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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