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Health & Fitness

Secrets To Achieving Your Dream Body.

Your dream body might look totally different to the ‘dream bodies’ you see on Instagram and in the magazines. Your dream body might vary wildly from your friend’s dream bodies. Everybody has something that they consider to be a dream body for them. That’s perfectly ok! The secrets in this post will help you on your way to achieving your dream body, once and for all:

 Change The Way You Think

You’ll never achieve your dream body if you don’t truly believe that you will. If you wake up every morning with negative thoughts, look at your body in disgust, and generally wish things would hurry up and happen, you’re slowing the process down. You need to know that you’re going to reach your goal. You need to do it because you love yourself and your body. You need to be happy now, in order to get to where you want to be. This can be hard, but it’s the only way to break out of negative patterns and create new, healthy habits. Affirm to yourself each day, and even sit and visualize what you’re going to do to achieve your goals. Feel happy and excited as you do this. It’ll make all the difference!


Image from flickr

 Make A Vision Board

 A vision board can help you when you’re visualizing. Seeing this every day can help you to feel motivated and ready to reach your goals. Fill it with images that make you happy, rather than envious or sad. Put it somewhere you see it each day.

Find A Plan That You Can Stick To

Once you’ve changed your mindset, the next step is finding a plan that you can stick to. This means finding a plan you enjoy and can stick to, rather than one your friend is doing. Everybody is different! It may also mean starting off really simply and increasing your output as you go along. You may have heard of the bikini body guides floating around out there, but there are so many it can be hard to decide which one to get. You can find Kayla Itsines reviews to help you decide what plan is right for you.


Image author

 Stop Weighing

 You probably have a vivid picture in your head of what your dream body looks like. But many women associate a weight with their ‘dream body’, which is totally unrealistic and could actually be hindering you in the long run. The truth is, your dream body has nothing to do with your weight. When you’re changing your body composition, you could look tighter and smaller, and weigh more! This happens to so many women who get into fitness, so it only makes sense to stop weighing yourself. You can weigh yourself once in a while if you’re trying to lose fat, in order to make sure things are going in the right direction. At some point though, you’ll want to stop doing that and go by how you look and feel instead.


Go for it!


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One thought on “Secrets To Achieving Your Dream Body.

  • Hi,
    Thanks for the great tips 🙂

    I’m thinking about buying the Grace Fit guide and just doing some research. There are quit a few mixed reviews which give me doubts but seeing your progress give me hope..I don’t have a lot of money so I really need to make sure I’m making the right decision.

    As I’m reading your blog I have this site in another tab – http://bestbootyworkouts.com/grace-fit-guide-review/ her review is not very positive and she does have some good points but I would love to hear more from you…

    Hope you have time to answer my question I’m still sitting on the fence. Would you recommend it or have you found a better alternative?


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