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Searching for a Retirement Community for my parents has been so stressful!

Photo provided by Google

 Wow, this has been a long week! My friend and I have been searching to find the right retirement community for her parents. Its been long overdue for them since they have become older and are having a bit of a hard time caring for themselves in their  home. I forewarned her that this will be a stressful process for her and her parents.

You see I too had to do the same thing, I had to find the right retirement community to help my parents transition from their home to a retirement community and not only was it stressful it was very difficult for everyone involved. There is so much to be done and you have to make sure you find a retirement community that’s right for both parents and a retirement community that will meet all their needs.

 I searched high and low daily trying to find what I felt was a good retirement community for our parents. So many things played into factor, I had to make sure they felt comfortable, that they received the best care they needed, I wanted  them to still have the ability to interact with others, also making sure they received their proper daily intake of meals and activities, the feeling of knowing they still have their independence and most of all the comfort of feeling like its their home.

Many people don’t understand that when you take your parents out of their home environment and try to transition them into a facility it can cause a lot of heartache for  each parent. I saw daily the stress and frustration my parents felt when we had to decide to place them in a retirement home.

I even suggested to my parents about moving them down to Palm Beach Garden, but they wanted to stay a little closer to home. I did inform my friend that choosing an assisted living facility  can be a lot easier if she take a moment to write down everything she and her parents are looking for in a retirement community, I even heard that Chatsworth was a beautiful place for retirement!


I’m sure she will find the right retirement community for both parents and soon all the stress will be alleviated for all parties involved!




Disclosure: I was compensated for this post, however all opinions expressed  are 100% my own.



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