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Home & Garden

Reconnecting With Nature – and Yourself!

Many of us lead very active and stressful lives, whether that is because of our situation at home or work, or simply because we are so used to running around after everyone else.  High levels of stress and lack of “YOU” time can lead to many illnesses and avoidable ailments. Simple colds or flu are examples of ailments which can exacerbated by stress.

Living a life of hustle and bustle takes its toll on our own physical and mental body, as well on our relationships with others.  When we are tired and irritated we tend to snap and say things we sometimes regret. Of course, this often follows with another burst of energy, blaming ourselves for the outburst.

It is a vicious circle, but there are some very simple things we can do to change this balance. One of these things is reconnecting with nature.  Whilst some may find many reasons not to, the positive benefits will only make you wonder why you never tried before.

YOU Time

Take a look at your daily activities, and take a look at what is really essential and what is not.  For example you may go for a jog each day as part of a fitness regime.  What are the real benefits to jogging?  There are many that say we become lost through jogging. Some joggers are setting a target each time, to beat the previous time or to exceed the mileage we jog.

Our ears are full of our favorite tunes or mentor, and we proceed on our chosen jogging route.  We pass others each day who are also burning the calories for whatever reason.  Our heads are down, and we are not necessarily paying attention to what is actually going on around us in our surroundings.

Think about changing a daily jog for a day of something different, to reconnect with your surroundings and nature.  Find a local park or open space that has trees, a lake (or ponds), swings and other attractions, and simply walk.  You may still have your music playing in your ears, but we would suggest this is replaced with listening to the nature around you.

Lose Yourself in Yourself

Lose yourself in the sounds of the birds chirping, the kids playing, the laughter of others and the noise of the wind blowing through the trees.  You may also wish to be a little more adventurous and take a good book and blanket with you, to actually sit down and get lost in a book, surrounded by nature.

The energy within you will be connected with Mother Nature and allow your whole personal energies to be recharged.  You will not be exhausted from jogging, you will gain only positive energy and emotions from your experience, which can be far more relaxing and satisfying than from running every day.

You may also find others doing the same, and this is an opportunity to interact with them, and expand your social interaction with those who also take the benefit from nature each and every day.

Your Own Personal Space

Set aside an area in your own home that is just yours.  Arrange the furniture how you wish to, or even buy some new furniture that is comfortable.  Sitting and meditating is wonderful for the soul and psyche. Again, you are taking time away from your hustle and bustle to recharge your own energy levels.  Spoiling yourself to an hour a day of your own time will enhance your energy is so many ways, and you will notice an incredible difference in your mindset within a few days.

Changing Habits for the Better

Our lives have become so routine and habitual. This does affect our overall conscious thought process and how we live each day.  There are many ways in which you can improve the quality of life, reduce illness and enjoy a feeling of self-love that you have never enjoyed before.

Adding fresh fruit smoothies or juices like collagen mushroom to your diet is a perfect way to introduce natural ingredients into your diet and boost your immune system. These types of nutrition can provide the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals our body’s need.

Investing in a NutriBullet will not only save you time and money over the years at juice bars or buying smoothies from a shop, but will also allow you to become far more creative in the kitchen.  These amazing gadgets are so versatile they can be used in a whole host of ways that will mean you can enjoy healthy, highly nutritional drinks in the comfort of your own home.

Start making your own juices and smoothies today and begin to feel the difference to your energy and wellbeing within a few days.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

30 thoughts on “Reconnecting With Nature – and Yourself!

  • Good advice for all to slow down and smell the roses as they say

  • I have recently developed a love of being outside. I love walking my dogs and working in my garden. It’s very peaceful.

  • Some really good advice- I had to learn (to take time for myself) the hard way.

  • We love being outside! Love the tips. Thanks for posting.

  • We love the outdoors and hiking always makes me feel better

  • I have learned from experience that it is inadvisable to not take the time to restore ourselves. I developed cancer 2 separate times in my 40’s and I attribute these illnesses simply to treating my body as a machine without stopping for self care and restoration. As many mothers do, I put everything and everyone else first. Thanks for this article.

  • Being outside is energizing and try to get out, even in imperfect weather. Reconnecting w/ yourself and w/ nature.

  • we are getting redy to do some place for the foo truck and travleing all over mo ark and olk and other

  • i am looking forward to trying out these ways to reconnect. i love to try new things.

  • There is nothing better than a family hike

  • I LOVE nature & my husband & I would have moved long ago, if it wasn’t for our kids and grandkids!!
    I am disabled. My doctor suggested that I move to a warmer climate. The cold is not good for me. The winter gets me depressed; less sunlight, the cold, nature dying, my allergies, the bone pain from the Multiple Myeloma – plus I am a Diabetic – If it was warmer I could take more walks, etc.
    Just looking at the mountains and the clear blue sunny sky IS pure medicine for me!!
    GOD knows what is best!!

  • I love all the great ideas! Life is so stressful these days. I’m surrounded by water – ocean – lakes and rivers. I often find myself taking a walk along the riverfront which immediately lowers my stress level. Love it!

  • I have found making smoothies a great way to get more fruits and vegetables to my family!

  • I really need this encouragement right now. As a stay-at-home mom to a busy toddler, sometimes it feels like I have no time for me. I need to start really looking at my day to find what I could eliminate or streamline from my routine to carve out some time.

  • I consider nature a relaxing way to get away from the daily grind of life

  • Oh I have really thought about making smoothies and juices at home, but have not taken the plunge yet! I really should! I really need to work on the “You Time” 🙂

  • Yes, I agree that the fast pace of life in today’s world is very stressful at times. Stress has a negative impact on health. The photo at the top of your post brought me to a memory of visiting one of our state’s parks where I was mesmerized by the beauty of a waterfall. It was so relaxing there. Now that the weather has finally improved, I have my morning coffee on the porch where I can watch various birds dine at my feeders. This is one thing that helps me to relax as is listening to the babbling brook near my home. The beauty in nature needs no prescription and is absolutely priceless.

  • I consider nature free therapy. Thanks for the ideas.

  • This article makes many good points! We all need to step back from tech to rediscover nature and ourselves.

  • I have my own craft room at my house. When I need a break from life, I go in there and putter around to my heart’s content.

  • Nature is very calming

  • Nice article. Nature can be relaxing and invigorating,too.

  • Nature does calm me. I enjoyed reading this article.

  • This is very good advice. We all need to reconnect with nature and ourselves as well as find some time just for us. I am trying to eat more fruits and vegetables .

  • Thanks for the information on how to reconnect

  • So true, I’ve recently rearranged the furniture in our house to create more clean, open and uncluttered space. Also been reading some, coloring and journaling. With the weather warming up, it’s refreshing to spend time outside.

  • It is really amazing what breath of fresh air can do for your well being. I always grew up wanting to live in a big city. I would trade my suburban life with a creek and all for anything(except the snakes).

  • Thank you for all the advice!

  • Very good advice. So many people tried to tell me this. I am 52 and just started making time for myself. I even have started buying food for myself. I use to wouldn’t buy anything unless everyone liked it but, I ferl better with healthier choices

  • Good advice great article.Many ways to reconnect.


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