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NH News

Prepping My Home For The Holidays With AT Home Decorations!

The Holidays are right around the corner as my mom use to say and I don’t know about you but, I’m so ready to give my home a new holiday décor look. So today, my husband and I spent some time at the At Home Store looking for holiday decorations to add to my bedroom table.

I must confess I decorate the entire house but I’ve never thought to decorate my bedroom so this year I decided I want to not only enjoy sleeping in my bed, I want to enjoy a little holiday cheer in my room also!

My bedroom is rather large and I have this nice long table along side my wall that I use to hold my lamps and books so I can read at night. When I walked into At Home I felt like a kid, I was screaming to my husband look at this , look at that and when I say they had so much to select from it’s true they really do.

As I browsed down each aisle I think my mouth was wide open with excitement, you see this was my first time visiting At Home! I saw decorations for Outdoors, Indoors, Santa Clauses, Candles, Statues, Christmas Miniature boxes, Table runners, Light up houses, Door mats and door decorations, Beautiful Wreaths and so much more.

Finally after an hour I found exactly what I wanted to decorate my table. I purchased a cute light up house, two wonderful towers, Christmas snow, a candy jar  and candy cane door piece with our last name initial and a sleigh with cute Christmas boxes.

It took me no time to decorate my bedroom table, before long I had it decorated and WOW, was it BEAUTIFUL! Even the kids were excited, they actually tried to take some of my decorations to do their rooms but , no way, these were all mine.


This way when I lay in bed I can look over to my wall and see my beautiful table filled with nothing but At Home Christmas decorations. I’m telling you At Home is now my new décor heaven. I can not wait until I can go back and shop again, and the prices, whoa were they reasonable and each item is made

When you shop this Holiday Season for your home décor, make sure to visit your At Home Store so you too can see all the wonderful holiday décor!

Remember, everything you’ll need in 1 store to furnish your home they’ll have it and more!

  • Good Prices,
  • Seasonal items, to decorate your home or to give as gifts.
  • Long hours, open from 9 am to 10 pm every day but Sunday (closes @ 9pm)
  • BIG selection of each item, so you can choose optional colors, patterns, textures.


You can click here to find a At Home Store near you!


Don’t forget to connect with At Home via Facebook | Twitter |Pinterest | Instagram | to keep up with the latest.



Disclosure: The post was sponsored by At Home Store and all opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

16 thoughts on “Prepping My Home For The Holidays With AT Home Decorations!

  • i decorate the whole house but i wait until Thanksgiving is over ,,i have a lot of decorations for Thanksgiving that i display

  • We decorate 5 rooms in our house – two living rooms, a kitchen, dining room, and one bathroom. We literally have no more room to store the decor so I really can’t do any more rooms.

  • Great decorating types and very pretty

  • I have never decorated our bedroom for Christmas. Now I’m thinking about doing it too. Thanks for the idea and the great tips. I love Christmas decorations.

  • Love it! My favorite holiday to decorate for!

  • Lots of great decorating idea’s. Like to freshen up and change from year to year. Love the towers idea’s and have a candle holder that is long and would love to put the towers on either side!

  • Those are some beautiful decorations!

  • Thank you for the idea, will find a way to incorporate them into my holiday decorating.

  • I’m not very creative, so I can use all the decorating ideas I can get! Thanks.

  • Great ideas. I may have to try some of these myself.

  • I haven’t been to an At Home store but I’m going to have to now! I’m almost ready to start decorating but I’m going to have to buy new stuff this year! Yours are very cute, thanks for sharing!

  • Such cute decorating ideas.

  • I love it! Everyone is all but we just had Halloween, but I don’t care. I want Christmas and decorations and snow and carols and everything.

  • I love these ideas! It’s never too early to plan. 🙂


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