Prep for the Holidays LG ProBake Double Oven. @BestBuy @LGUS #ad
Disclaimer:  The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.
Today I went to Best Buy and I must have spent maybe an hour inside just browsing through everything. Now I love Best Buy, and I don’t care how many times I visit I know I’m going to walk out the door with something! Today my visit was different because I viewed all their appliances. Since the Holidays are coming soon I’ve had my heart set on updating my kitchen with a bigger oven and a new fridge. So my first thought for updating my oven was the new LG Double Oven Electric Convection Range with ProBake technology. Man when you see this oven your mouth will drop!
Honey, your family and friends will be talking about the LG Double Oven Electric Convection Range with ProBake for days. You see, you’ll be able to bake and make a few dessert at the same time this holiday.
Because of the ProBake Convection everything you bake will be baked to perfection on every rack, every time! You can enjoy even, professional style cooking at home with ProBake Convection.
The even cooking is all due to LG range moving the heating element from the bottom of the oven to the back wall for optimal heat distribution. This way you can enjoy consistent browning on top and bottom with every cookie baked to perfection with LG’s ProBake Convection ranges. WOW, look at technology once again now in this oven, amazing!
Now cleaning this oven will be a breeze because the ProBake Convection has a LG’s EasyClean feature. It takes 3 steps and your oven is clean within 10 minutes. I mean really, in three easy steps and 10 quick minutes your oven can be sparkling clean, without strong chemical fumes or high heat with LG’s Easy Clean…..oh yes count me in for sure to getting the new LG ProBake Double Oven. Well to at least add it to my Christmas list!
Well, I sure hope you stop by Best Buy to check out the LG ProBake Double Oven, especially if you’re in need of a good oven that can handle all your Holiday Baking and Cooking. Learn more today on the Prep for the Holidays LG ProBake Double Oven here.
But wait Best Buy has some good news for you and I, there’s an offer which includes a Kitchen Bundle Rebate through 10/29, where consumers receive a Visa Gift Card valued up to $400 with purchase of a 4 piece Kitchen Package. Or you can receive 5x reward points with your Best Buy account on any ProBake Range purchase from 9/28 – 10/29. This can also be stacked with the kitchen bundle rebate mentioned above.
So, I pose this question to you? What do you think about this awesome LG ProBake Double Oven?
Disclaimer:  The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.
I would love to have one of these ovens someday. Thank you for sharing.
I love the look of this! It is so nice!
Very nice. Up to date and useful. I like how high powered and the design. Having a double oven really helps during the holiday season.
Double ovens are great to have! Thanks for sharing.
I’d love to have one, but I rent an apartment, so it’s not possible. I love the thought of having your meals cooked all dishes at the same time!
I definitely could use an oven like this one!
Oh this looks so nice!
I love the oven. I can see using this for my large family and preparing many family meals.
i love the look and the style of this
I need this oven in my life! We are preparing to buy a house, and I know I’ll want to upgrade appliances!