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Parents, Here’s How to Get Your Kids Back Into a Routine After the Holidays

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The holidays are great for family fun, food, presents, sleeping in, and staying up late. While this may all sound like a good time for some family bonding, it can wreak havoc on your child’s daily schedule that you have worked so hard to streamline.

So how do you get your children back into the daily groove of school and other activities once the holidays are over? Here are some tips that will keep your frustration to a minimum.

Don’t slack on bedtime

Bedtime is crucial for establishing any routine, so don’t slack too much on this during the holidays. Skipping a few days is fine, but it is highly recommended to get your kids back into a strict bedtime a few days before they head back to school to prevent sleepyheads.

Always prepare ahead

Don’t forget to tell your child that they will be going back to school in a few days. This may seem a bit obvious, but it is a small detail that can go forgotten in the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Plus, preparing your child every day will help them get mentally prepared as well.

Allow a meltdown

You may have to deal with less-than-enthusiastic responses when you tell your child it is time for them to go back to school. If they protest, let the meltdown happen. Chances are, you may want your own personal pity-party when it comes to you returning back to work, so let your child have one and be empathetic. Doing so can even prevent the meltdown from happening the morning of, which no one wants.

Build excitement with a shopping spree

Shopping for new clothes is always a fun holiday tradition, and it will help your kids get excited to go back to school and show everything off. Stock up on new shoes, kids bags, some winter sweaters, and even fresh new school supplies to make your child happy about heading back to the classroom.

Remember what has gone wrong in the past
Your child is a creature of habit, and those stubborn morning habits that happened before the holidays will sure persist afterwards. Nip these actions in the bud by being preventative as soon as you can and think back to their common hang ups. Do they struggle getting out of bed, or do they refuse to eat anything other than blueberry muffins for breakfast? Prepare for this the day ahead to cut down on frantic running around the morning before school.

Give them freedom

Try your hardest not to hover, as this will make your child more anxious than they need to be. Instead, take a step back and give them some verbal guidance and encouragement to handle their routine independently. Once they know they have the freedom to do so, the morning and nighttime routines will go by much more smoothly.

Ask their teacher what their mornings will be like

Your child’s teacher is a valuable resource, and they will be able to give you a bit of help if you need it during this transitional phase. Ask them before the break what your child’s morning will be like after the holidays, and use this as a way to inspire your child to get ready because they have something to look forward to that day. Additionally, the teachers may be able to give you some other pointers to work on with your child depending on how they are acting at school.

With these tips and tricks in mind, you will be on your way to have a stress-free transition back to their everyday school routine. But first, don’t forget to enjoy the holidays while they’re here.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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