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Home & Garden

On a budget? 4 tips for a successful, cost-effective kitchen upgrade

If you took a poll asking which room in the home is the most important, most would say the kitchen, and it’s not surprising why. It’s where we prepare all our delicious food, it is the perfect place to catch up with family and friends and, anyone who enjoys socializing will know that all the best parties end up in the kitchen!

If you dream of having a new kitchen installed and are working to a strict budget – fear not. There are loads of ways to get what you want on a budget. 

Here are 4 tips for a successful, cost-effective kitchen upgrade.

Are the carcasses in good shape?

Many people assume that replacing a kitchen means just that – removing the whole thing and starting again. This makes perfect sense if you are doing an extensive kitchen re-fit but, if you are following the same layout and your existing carcasses are in good shape, it isn’t essential. Instead, why not have the unit doors, side panels and kick plates replaced?

Not only will this save you loads of time and keep stress to a minimum, but it could save you a fortune.

Shops around for kitchen cabinets

If you find cabinets in a style and color you love, you may be eager to order straight away, but if you want to save money, then you must refrain from doing so. It makes sense to spend a bit of time shopping around as you may come across a comparable product at a far more affordable price. 

Many kitchen suppliers will advertise discount kitchen cabinets when new ranges are produced or they discontinue an existing kitchen range. They also have seasonal sales throughout the year where some fabulous bargains can be found so, have a little patience and consider all your options before placing an order.

Can you do any of the work yourself?

Experienced and reliable trades don’t come cheap, so you may find that the majority of your kitchen makeover budget goes toward labor costs. If you are reasonably handy or have friends who are, then you might want to consider doing some or most of the work yourself

It makes sense to have professionals undertake any areas that you cannot do, but if you are reasonably au fait with DIY, then it’s worth having a go. You will learn many new skills as you go and may even discover that you are a natural!

Spend money where it matters most

You may believe that to have your dream kitchen, the bulk of your budget needs to be spent on cabinetry, but that isn’t the case at all. Spending a bit more on things like countertops, taps, and tiles can transform the simplest of kitchens and make it look way more expensive than it is. 

So, before you go all out and spend thousands on top of the range units, you might want to focus on accessories and finishing touches instead.


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