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What Not To Gift Your Boyfriend This Valentine

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Girls are quite easy to please with gifts but when it comes to guys, that is when thinking caps go on the head. With Valentine’s Day almost here, love birds must be hunting for everything that can portray their love in the best way possible and that’s really an endearing sight. However, when it comes to gifting something for your boyfriend, choose wisely.

With all the love that you have in your heart for your man, we cannot pin point on what to get him for this valentine but we can surely guide you in the right direction. Here are certain things that you should absolutely avoid gifting your boyfriend:

  1. Soft Toys

If it is liked by your five year old nephew, it is certainly not a gift for a man. Girls might be gushing over a cute, soft and plush soft toy but boys tend to have opposite reaction on this gift. If you wish to get creative with a toy version of one of their favorite character, then it would be a perfect valentine gift for your boyfriend, otherwise, say no to soft toys when it comes to gifting a man.

2. Art

While looking for a flawless valentines gift for boyfriend, if you come across a piece of art, skip it altogether and keep looking. Although, art portrays a very intimate form of affection, your boyfriend might not understand the same message and it ends up being a trivial décor item in his living room.

3. Gift Card To A Store

Boys tend to avoid crowded places and shopping altogether. It might seem that you are gifting a gift of his choice but he may not be interested in visiting the store. A better version will be a gift card to shop online. In this way, he can buy whatever he wants from a store, without facing the hassle of going out.

4. Socks/Handkerchiefs/Bathrobes

He can buy all of this on his own but it is not a good idea to gift him this stuff on the day of love. You might want to get him the shirt that he liked in a particular store while you two were window shopping but steer clear from intimate clothing items.

5. Show pieces/ Décor Items

Men like gifts that are actually useful and not just mementos they can’t use. Think of a productive gift that he could actually use or enjoy it. Concert tickets for two of his favorite artist will be far more relevant to him than any expensive showpiece.

6. Cufflinks

For boys, their casual life is how they like to live in an environment and they like the gifts that could be used in their daily life. Cufflinks are quite formal and not every man uses them. If your boyfriend does not like the formal setting, those cufflinks will wind up in his closet to be used rarely. Avoid any such gifts that he seldom uses.


The best gift for him this valentine’s day will be an experience where he gets to spend his time with you, his love. Although, if you wish to buy him a gift, avoid these mistakes. Happy searching!



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