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Meet The Toniebox Your Kids Lovable Little Storytime Friend.

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Toniebox and The Night Helper Blog. All comments, photos, and opinions are my own.


We are so excited to share with you a fantastic toy called Toniebox. What is this Toniebox we are speaking of? Well, Toniebox is a child-friendly audio system that allows kids to listen to music and stories using their portable speaker called a Toniebox, which will be operated by using colorful cute figures called Tonies. 

Each Tonie comes pre-programmed with stories and songs, and your child can fully control the Toniebox through controls on the Toniebox’s ears and by hitting the side of the cube to advance to the next story.

It’s so easy for your child to use, and most of all, it’s a sturdy, shockproof, softly padded box with no sharp edges, so need to worry mom the kids can enjoy this Toniebox safely. When we opened the box, the face of Ariel was priceless.

This girl loves anything musical, and she loves storytime!

Inside your Toniebox Starter Set, you’ll receive:

· Toniebox

· Charging Station

· One Creative Tonie

· Set-up Instructions

When she saw all the different Tonies, it was hard to stop her from opening them all at once, LOL!

A starter set will cost $99.99 and are available in purple, light blue, green, grey, red, and hot pink colors.
The Toniebox is easy to operate; download the Tonie-App to register and set-up your Toniebox, and then you are ready to begin.

Parents can turn on the Toniebox by squeezing the ear; once you see the square box on top has turned green, place your desire Toni on top. If the battery is low, your Toniebox will display an orange light to alert you of its time to charge the box up. Once on top, the Tonie will begin playing songs or telling a story.

Parents can also pause the Toniebox, turn up the volume by gently pressing the ears on the box, and or if your child removes the Tonie from the Toniebox and places it back on the Tonie will continue where it left off.

You can also skip back and forth and fast forward or rewind; to do that, you must tilt the box to one side. The Toniebox comes with a charger as well for you to charge your Toniebox.

The Toniebox will last seven hours off one charge, which is remarkable, in my opinion. What I like the most is Aria can carry this Toniebox anywhere she goes. Once the Toniebox finishes a story or song, it will automatically turn off and go to sleep; most of all, there’s a headphone jack for your child to enjoy their Tonie character quietly. Whew, this is great for I don’t know how many times I have heard the Tonie Playtime song the Wheels on the bus go round and round…LOL!

Let’s say this Toniebox will take your children on a story telling, musical adventure they will never forget. It’s the perfect interactive toy to entertain and teach your children. I look forward to adding more Tonies to Aria’s collection.


Things have changed in our world these last few months, and I think the Toniebox should be on every parent list this year to help keep their kids entertained. Plus, it’s a great way to reduce screen time, being that we all are spending lots of time indoors.

The starter set comes with one Tonie, and then you can buy additional Tonies for about $14.99 each.




Don’t forget to check out the Toniebox via their website and social shares Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest 




Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Toniebox and The Night Helper Blog. All comments, photos, and opinions are my own.





Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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