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Health & Fitness

Medical Traveling 101: Cheapest Places for Dental Work in Europe

Image source: Pixnio

During the past decade, medical traveling has become increasingly popular. People from all around the world travel to different countries for better and cheaper medical services. Dentistry is, perhaps, one of the most sought out medical services. In Europe, patients prefer to travel for hundreds of miles just for a simple extraction or a root canal. The reason’s more than obvious – some countries, like those we are about to talk about, keep their dental procedure prices low while maintaining high hygiene and medical standard. In this article, we are going to talk about the cheapest dental clinics in Europe.

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A few Words About Traveling for Dental Work

Many of the patients who undertook a medical journey declared that, indeed, Europe is one of the cheapest places for dental work. And, as fortune would have it, facts appear to back them up. Just to give you a quick example, a patient on Medicare need to pay up to $6500 for three dental crowns (that’s $2,167 per crown). On the other hand, at Index Medica, a popular, Poland-based, dental clinic, the same procedure costs around $306 per implant. Again, this is just one of many examples.

And now, let’s take a look at Europe’s cheapest dental clinics. 

1.      Poland

Because we already discussed Poland, let’s start with this Eastern European country and what it offers in terms of dental services. As you can deduce from the provided example, Poland does have smaller dental fees compared to Northern America and even Western Europe. As a general observation, Eastern European countries tend to have lower prices, but do very little when it comes to marketing their services.

Index Medica, a Krakow-based dental clinic, has some very attractive prices, especially when it comes to more complex dental works such as full ceramic crowns, root canals, and implants.

For instance, for a simple extraction, Index Medica charges $73. Implants, which are considered some of the most expensive and time-consuming dental procedures, are around $640 each (screw included). For a root canal, this clinic charges $103 per intervention.

Still, Index Medica isn’t the only affordable Polish dental clinics. Another good example of a cheap and professional place for dental works is Dental Travel Poland, a clinic dedicated to patients who are willing to travel to Poland for various procedures.

Dental Clinic Poland charges $183 for teeth whitening, $52 for a root canal, $652 for a dental implant without a crown, and $352 for a dental crown.

2.      Bulgaria

Moving on to the second-best Eastern European country for dental works, Bulgaria offers amazing prices and even discounts. There are many professional clinics in Bulgaria, the most popular of them being Sky Dental and Swiss Dentaprime.

Let’s start with Sky Dental. Located in Sofia, this dental clinic definitely offers affordable prices for a wide range of services. Just to get your attention, a full ceramic crown costs $445, an implant with porcelain fused to metallic crown costs around $1,500, while a root canal treatment for more than three canals is around $356.

Another great dental clinic for those who are into medical travel is the Swiss Dentaprime, located in Varna. A glance at their price list reveals that a patient will be charged $3,751 for four implants with crowns (price covers local anesthesia, X-Rays, implant exposure, impressions, abutment and the implants), $127 for a wisdom tooth extraction, and $98 for a root canal.

All in all, we can state that Bulgaria might be one of the cheapest European countries for dental travel. 

3.      Romania

As you can see, Eastern Europe has much to offer in terms of cheap dental services with Poland and Bulgaria boasting some of the highest rates of dental tourism per year. However, they are not the only record-holders. Romania’s also a popular destination for cheap and professional dental works.

Just to give you taste of what Romania offers in terms of price range, Romanian Dental Tour, a Bucharest-based clinic, charges $40 for a dental filling, $266 for teeth whitening, and $29 for a mono-root extraction.

Another great Romania dental clinic is the Dental Hospital Romania, located in Bucharest.  The clinic has everything a medical tourist could ask for – courteous, English-speaking staff, up-to-date medical equipment, and affordable prices. If you plan on traveling to Romania to visit this clinic, you will be charged $25 for a root canal, $452 for an implant, and $300 per teeth whitening session.


As you can see, there’s a reason why patients prefer traveling to Europe for dental works. Most of the prices we’ve showcased are more than affordable. Now, if you still planning on going through with this, it would be a good idea to book your tickets as soon as possible. It’s not really worth paying less for your dental work if you end up blowing a ludicrous sum on transportation.



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