Home & Garden

Low-Light Shade Succulents and Cacti for Your Garden

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Succulents need sunlight and adequate lighting while they are growing. However, this can be a challenge for homeowners who do not receive natural light during the day because they have a lot of buildings or trees near their properties. Indirect and bright sunlight are favorable to succulents, but if these factors are not possible, the good news is that the succulents can still be adaptable.

Certain species thrive well even if they are often put in the shade. You may be in an area with a less than ideal lighting condition, but there is still hope when it comes to growing the cacti and succulents. You can click here to learn more about these beautiful plants with their distinct leaf styles. Some of the plants that you can grow are the following.

Plants that Tolerate Low Lights


There are large tree-like and small dwarf species when it comes to aloe. They can grow up to 10 meters tall or 30 feet, while the smaller ones are ideal for indoor decorations. The dwarf or hybrid varieties are very good as house plants where they are put into containers. 

They adapt well in the shade, and they remain beautiful inside the pots. Look for the ones with the bluish-green-grey leaves that are fleshy and thick. Some of them have white dots on the surface of their stems, and they are spreading around as offshoots or clusters.

For those who are just starting with succulents, aloe can be an excellent starting point because you can care for them easily. They can be repotted and kept in low light, and they can thrive and keep growing. However, you may find yourself repotting more than once when they are producing offshoots.

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Gaster is a Latin word for stomach, and Gasteria’s flowers have a similar appearance to this organ. The flowers are often found in South Africa as they are used to growing in lightly shaded areas that take a lot of rainfall in a year. Their leaves are curved, grooved, thick, and long. They produced stomach-shaped flowers that are amazing to look at. Read more about growing Gasteria here: https://www.thespruce.com/grow-gasteria-succulents-indoors-1902979

Most of these species have been known to grow indoors, and they can tolerate poor light. However, they also grow well in indirect but bright and hot lights. Therefore, most of them may need to be protected from the full and intense heat of the sun during summer. These common houseplants are ideal for homes where pots and containers can be set up in shaded areas.


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This succulent is considered a native to South Africa. They are a part of the dwarf succulent genus, and their appearance is similar to that of an aloe vera. You could mistake a Haworthia with aloe if you are not familiar with them. They grow well in warmer environments, but like the Gasteria, they should be protected from the intense heat during sunny days.

The plants form like miniature roses, and they come in various sizes and shapes. You can find them as a cluster, and some are growing in solitude with thicker roots. The leaves are fleshy, rigid, and thick, and they have a dark green color. Other species have plump and softer leaves with glassy surfaces so they can perform photosynthesis.


Echeverias are very common in South America and Mexico. They have exquisite features and form gorgeous rosettes. They vary in size and shape, and they have shorter stems. Some species have long stems with hanging rosettes in them. They remain in smaller sizes, but they grow up to 8 inches in diameter. 

You can see them as having various colors, and many homeowners are looking for them because they are naturally beautiful. You can get hybrid ones on shopping platforms on the internet or check the local growers in your area for echeverias. You can plant them in containers and pots, and they tolerate partial shades. You must not overwater this plant, especially if it’s put in the shady areas of your property to prevent rot.

Most of them need to have bright but filtered light, and they should be protected from the full intensity of the sun. They are native to Central America and Mexico, but they don’t do well with frost.


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This cacti genus originated from South America, particularly in the rainforest areas. However, the Rhipsalis can also be found in Central America and the Caribbean. What makes them different from other succulents is that they are natural epiphytes.

What this means is that they are plants that are growing on the surface of others. Epiphytes usually get nutrients and moisture from their surroundings, and these are plenty in rainforest settings. While many perceive succulents and cacti as plants coming from the desert, some of them do not grow well in arid soil and direct sunlight.

If you are looking for an indoor succulent that can grow well even if it’s receiving low light, then Rhipsalis can be the best choice for you. You can take them out in the morning and provide them the full shade in the afternoons so they can receive the protection they need. They can even be ideally located in a place where overhanging tree branches or dense bushes are located.

Regular watering is needed because Rhipsalis are not particularly resistant to drought. However, you may want to get a guide first about this plant before getting it because overwatering can cause rotting in the roots. The popular species available can be the Mistletoe Cactus that requires a partial shade to grow.

These are just the succulents to consider that will not require intense light from the sun to grow. Some of them can prosper, but they stay small. Plant them in well-drained soil if possible, and if it is your first time caring for a succulent, you can read articles online about them and choose the specific plants that will thrive well in your area. This way, you will have more success on your first try, and you can be surrounded by nearby greenery that does not require much light.


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