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Health & Fitness

Living with PBC, Primary Biliary Cirrhosis !

Disclosure: “Today’s post is a part of the Insider’s Program on Bloggy Moms. All opinions are my own.”

Today I want to talk to you about primary biliary cholangitis, formerly known as primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). I’m sure many people may have never heard of this disease before let alone as to what causes it. PBC is a chronic, or long lasting, disease that causes the small bile ducts in the liver to become inflamed and damaged and ultimately disappear.

You see the bile ducts carry a fluid called bile from the liver to the gallbladder, where it is stored. When food enters the stomach after a meal, the gallbladder contracts, and the bile ducts carry bile to the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine, for use in digestion. The liver makes bile, which is made up of bile acids, cholesterol, fats, and fluids. Bile helps the body absorb fats, cholesterol, and fat-soluble vitamins. Bile also carries cholesterol, toxins, and waste products to the intestines, where the body removes them. When chronic inflammation, or swelling, damages the bile ducts, bile and toxic wastes build up in the liver which damage liver tissue.

But what most people if not all are not aware of is this disease is more commonly a disease of women, afflicting approximately 1 in 1,000 women over the age of 40. It has actually been the second-leading overall cause of liver transplant in women in the U.S. since 1988, and nearly 90% of people with PBC are women, that’s a lot of women!

PBC can appear in people younger than 25 years of age, but most people are diagnosed between 35 and 60 years of age. So as a woman, I want to make sure I’m knowledgeable about this disease not only for myself but for my older girls as well as all my girls’ friends.

That’s why it is so important to be aware of PBC and the severity of it! You must also be aware of the symptoms so you can speak with your physician. It is important to manage the disease and symptoms in order to prevent serious health issues and the possible need for liver transplant.

What are the symptoms of primary biliary cholangitis?

The first and most common symptoms of PBC are

  • fatigue, or feeling tired
  • itching skin, and darkened skin in itching areas due to scratching
  • dry eyes and mouth

Some people may have jaundice, a condition that causes the skin and whites of the eyes to turn yellow. It is important to be on a healthy diet in all stages of cirrhosis because malnutrition is common in people with this disease.

I want every women to beware and to bring awareness to other women, daughters, mothers, aunts and friends about PBC. I don’t want that 90% number to rise. With awareness we all can live a long healthy life. You can learn more about PBC and hear from those living with the condition at LivingwithPBC.com.

LivingwithPBC.com has a few interesting stories from women who are currently living with this disease. Take a moment to visit the site so you can learn more and remember …”You’re Not Alone”!








Disclosure: “Today’s post is a part of the Insider’s Program on Bloggy Moms. All opinions are my own.”


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128 thoughts on “Living with PBC, Primary Biliary Cirrhosis !

  • Thank you for the information on this. This is something I didn’t know much about.

  • I really did not realize that someone so young could have any kind of cirrhosis. It’s nice that you’re sharing information, I’m sure this is going to end up being very helpful to someone (a lot of someones) if it hasn’t already.

  • This is very interesting. I was not aware of it before.

  • Thanks for publicizing this serious illness.

  • thanks for sharing your story. my little sister now 53. has suffered with chrones since 1989. and has had 3 heart attacks. i have seen here on her good days,bad. good luck.

  • Very good info to know. Thank you so much.

  • something to keep my eyes open for great article of something i would not have ever thought of

  • Thank you for sharing this information!

  • So many diseases and so few cures!

  • This was very informative. This is one illness that I had never heard anything about.
    I’m glad now that I’m informed about it.

  • Thank you for the information you shared about PBC. I learned something new.

  • I have never heard of this disease before..Thank you for posting it helps to be aware.

  • Thanks for sharing

  • thanks for the information, I have never heard of this before but I will be more informed on this disease.

  • I had never been aware of this

  • I hadn’t heard of this before but it’s definitely something to be aware of. I actually have a few of these symptoms. Thanks for bringing awareness.

  • I have never heard of this. Thanks for making me aware!

  • Wow! Have never heard of this. Glad there are medications to atleast help. Some things you read about and you feel very fortunate afterwards!

  • So glad this is being brought to light. Thanks for the information.

  • This is the first I have heard of this. Very informative site!

  • I’ve never heard of this either. I’m glad someone is bringing awareness!

  • I have also never heard of this before but thank you for making me aware.

  • I have never heard of PBC. Thanks for the informative post.

  • Thank you for letting us know about this. Thank you for sharing.

  • The information you shared on Primary Biliary Cholangitis is good to know. Thank you for sharing with us.

  • I had never heard of this disease before. Thanks for the great information!

  • Thank you for your excellent and knowledgeable piece on Primary Biliary Cholangitis. Generating awareness of these illnesses/diseases is so important.

  • Thank you for you excellent and knowledgeable piece on Primary Biliary Cholangitis. Generating awareness of illnesses/diseases such as this one is so very important.

  • I’ve actually never heard of this before. Thank you for sharing! It’s good to be informed!

  • This was scary to read. Some of the conditions sounds like me! Thanks for the information.

  • What scary sounding condition. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

  • Thank you for alerting me to this condition.

  • I had never heard of this condition before. Thanks for the informative post!

  • I had never heard of this disease before. Thanks for the great information!

  • I hadn’t heard of this before. Interesting to find out something new & important!

  • I always like learning something new, and I just did. When I was pregnant, over 30 years ago, I had too much bile in my system. This caused fatigue and itching.

  • I had never heard of this before! Thanks for the information.

  • I have never heard of this disease before, thank you for the information!

  • I’m wondering if this is quite rare, since it seems that most people (including me) have never heard of it, or if it’s one of those under-diagnosed illnesses.

  • I am shocked by this. The symptoms are awful. Hope a cure for all this and more is found quickly.

  • I have never heard of this before. Thank you for sharing the information!!

  • Thanks for the information on this disease and a description of the symptoms.

  • Wow, I had never heard of this before. Thank you for taking time to spread awareness

  • Thank you for the information! I am a big believer in being informed!

  • Intersting. Never heard of this before

  • I hadn’t heard of this disease. It sounds perfectly awful.

  • I never heard of this before. Thank you for sharing.

  • I have never heard of this disease before! Thanks for the information!

  • Thank you for the information.

  • Great information! Thanks.

  • All new imformation for me. It is nice to know what to look out for.

  • First time on this site and it will not be my last

  • Thanks for bringing this to everyone’s attention.! I’d never heard of this condition.

  • not many symptoms for as serious as it can be. thanks for the great information!

  • Thanks for the information. I like the others have never heard of this so it was very informative. Thank you!

  • Thank you for the good information. I didn’t know about this.

  • Thank you for the information, I had never heard of PBC before.

  • Thanks for sharing this important information on PBC.

  • Was not aware of this disease, good to know. Thank you for this info!

  • Wow, this sounds very serious. I have never heard of it before. Good job for raising awareness.

  • Thanks for sharing this info. I have not heard of this until now, and I like to learn more about illnesses so that I can better empathize with people.

  • Wow, this is the first that I have heard of PBC. Glad I took the time to read. I found it very interesting.

  • love the information. it was very helpful

  • Thank you so much for the information!

  • Having never heard of this, I am amazed to discover so much info.
    Thank you.

  • I never heard of PBC before. Sounds frightening.

  • Knowledge is power. Thanks for sharing!

  • Thanks for all the info.

  • I am so glad I read this post. I had not heard of PBC and never even thought about it. Thank you!

  • Very informative post, Thank you!

  • Indeed I have never heard of this disease. Thank you for the info.

  • Thanks for the information.

  • I have never heard of this disease prior to this post. I will be sure to share to my friends and family

  • I did not know about this. Thanks for sharing the information.

  • I did not know anything about this until you shared your article. I learned alot from you. I hope they find a cure soon. Thank you for sharing

  • I have never heard of PBC before. Thank you for the information, many of the women in my life are over 40 and I would bet they are unaware also.

  • I have never heard of PBC before. Thank you for bring in “out” so to speak! Now I know what to watch out for!

  • A very informative article!

  • I’ve never heard of this disease, I’m glad you are informing women about it.

  • I had not heard of this before your post. Since women are mostly affected by this, I appreciate the knowledge you shared. Awareness is important!

  • I had not heard of PBC before now. Thank you for sharing this vital information on this disease, as well as what symptoms to look for to share with your doctor.

  • I have never heard of PBC,I’m grateful for the information,this condition sounds so painful,I will certainly pay attention to the health concerns for all the women I know.

  • This is all new to me. It is good to be informed about things like this if you have unexplained symptoms. Thanks for a great article.

  • I had never heard of this disease before I read this post thank you for informing people especially woman.

  • thanks for this information. I’ve never even heard of it!

  • Good to know. Thanks for sharing this article.

  • I was never aware of any of this. Thank you for bringing it to my attention!

  • I have never heard of this..Thanks for such great information.

  • I’ve never heard of PBC before reading this always good to know the symptoms of illness Dr sometimes miss them.

  • This is something I never heard about before. This post is very educational.

  • Very good read. Thank you for the info. I need to help make others aware of this also. I am a wait til it’s to late kinda person in reference to my own health. Thinking I need to change that at 52

  • Thanks for the info on this. Hopefully, I’ll never have to use it, but being informed and proactive about our health is essential. It’s scary to think that this might require a liver transplant! And I’ve probab;y never heard of this because it affects mostly women. Ever notice how doctors never take us seriously? Thanks for the article, my eyes have been opened!

  • I have a co-worker with a lot of these same symptoms and has no idea why. Will have him take this to his doctor.

  • You’re right, I’ve never heard of this before. It doesn’t sound very pleasant either.

  • I have never heard of the disease before, thanks for shedding light on it and bring it to my attention.

  • I have never heard of this but will research it now. I have some of the symptoms. My brother died of end stage liver disease 4 years ago.

  • I have never heard of this before.

  • I have never heard of this disease, now I will be much more aware of it, thank you.

  • i have never heard of this

  • I couldn’t read it all, my stomach is sensitive . But thanks for sharing the info out to people who need it.

  • I have never heard of this but I will remember this one and the symptoms.

  • I have never heard of PBC before. Thank you for sharing this and letting us know about it.

  • I’ve never heard of this before! Thanks for informing me.

  • Didn’t know about this. I have RA and my liver functions are checked every 12 weeks.

  • I never heard of this before

  • I have never honestly heard of this disease & good to know i’m not the only one. I really appreciate the information on it & intent on passing it along

  • This sounds awful, but how common is it/ I have never even heard of it.

    • Also, they should know that the links from the ‘symptoms’ graphics lead nowhere.

  • I had never heard of this condition. Thank you for your post,

  • I had never heard of PBC before reading your post. Thank you for this information. I’m glad that there is medication to help those who are suffering with this.

  • Your article about PBC has really opened my eyes! I had never heard of this particular condition before! Thanks for this very important post!!

  • I’ve never heard of PBC. I shared on my Pinterest board. I think it is important to let others know the symptoms, and that their are medications to help.

  • Something to learn about

  • I have never heard of this condition before, it sounds awful. Thank you for posting to inform more women about this disease!

  • I have never heard of this disease either.Thanks for sharing.

  • Ive never heard of this disease, good information ,I will have to read up on it.

  • I have a very weak stomach. Now I probably won’t be able to eat all day. I can’t read about things like this.

  • I too, had never heard of this either!

  • I have never heard of this. I do know most things with the intestines are hard to correctly diagnose.

  • I have never heard of this and I have studied medicine. I’m going to get my medical encyclopedia out and look deeper into this disease. Thank you for bringing it women’s attention.

  • wow never heard of this thanks for the information great too know about this for sure

  • Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I hadn’t heard of it, but health isn’t something to mess with. You know your body. Trust yourself and know you aren’t alone.

  • I’ve never heard of this disease and it certainly doesn’t sound pleasant either. However, I do have to say that the symptoms are super vague and could be symptoms for any number of diseases and illnesses.

  • I had never heard of this before.

  • I have never heard of this disease and good to know that there are medicines that can slow the progression of it. So very important for women especially to be aware of and know the symptoms.


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