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How To Seek Specialized Legal Help When Wrongfully Accused of A Crime

It is unfortunate that every year, thousands of people in Australia get accused of crimes they did not commit. While the reasons may vary from misleading pieces of evidence to mala fide intentions of the accuser, it always results in mental harassment of the ones wrongly accused.

If not dealt with properly and timely, these accusations can hamper one’s future prospects with everything ranging from jobs and finances to spouse and partners. While no one would want to be in such a situation if you do get to find yourself in one of these, how should you approach it?

In this quick piece, we delve into seeking specialized help when incorrectly accused. 

Collecting Evidence

One of the first things to do is gathering evidence to support your cause. You never know what could later make a world of difference. Phone call recordings, call logs, photos, apparel, witnesses or whatever you think may help prove your whereabouts should be gathered as soon as possible. 

Timely Action

Legal accusations call for complete seriousness because your innocence has to be proven to the judicial system.

Instead of waiting around discussing the matter with multiple parties, the first thing to do is get legal help. Despite your innocence, whatever you say and do in public can be used by the police, media or the actual culprit(s) to prove their statements. 

The Right Representation

Courts and criminal proceedings can become messy for the parties involved. In cases of wrong accusations, well qualified and experienced criminal lawyers should be immediately contacted to advice on the further course of action. 

The right criminal lawyers would also guide you on the statements to be used with the media, police and public that would keep you out of further trouble.

What Not to Do?

It is wiser to let your attorneys handle things with you, so you can avoid making irreversible mistakes. Communication with the police, victim and their acquaintances, or any other parties involved should be routed through your attorneys. No documents should be signed unless your attorney is present and gives consent. 

Forensic tests, interviews and investigative procedures that require you to be present should never be undertaken without the knowledge of your legal representatives. Another big mistake people make is trying to ruin evidence, thinking it would help protect their innocence. This could rather land you in more trouble than you were in the first place.

Choosing Your Lawyers

One of the first things to look for in your law firm is the level of experience they have in handling such cases. It is easy to take chances with your food when you try out a new restaurant. However, you would not want to hand over your future to rookie professionals, would you? 

While wrongful criminal accusations are a nightmare, careful consideration, right guidance and timely actions could save you the time, money and trouble that comes with legal issues. 

The  criminal defense lawyers from Kingston Fox Lawyers have a meticulous record of positive results and settlements for clients. You can get in touch with them to schedule a quick consultation for your legal troubles. 



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