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How to Pick a Wedding Suit that Makes Your Bride Blush in Happiness

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Everyone knows that the real star of a wedding is the bride. All eyes turn to her as she radiantly walks down the aisle in her pristine white gown. As the groom, you may be tempted to slack off in the wedding suits department, but don’t because one very important pair of eyes will be on you, i.e. the eyes of your future wife.

Of course, since you spent so much for your union, she would also want you to look your very best. After all, your wedding day, along with the reception, is the very first party you will be throwing together as Mr. & Mrs. You must dress the part as you welcome your guests who have come to celebrate the start of your new blissful life as a married couple. Here are some tips you should know when you’re shopping for your suit.

Skip the Rental and Purchase

Majority of men go to rent a tux on the biggest day of their lives. You might be thinking of doing the same thing because you’ll just be wearing this suit for a couple of hours. Squash that line of thought because this is not your high school prom.

You are worth the investment because, in the first place, rentals never fit right. Sad to say, they also somehow look cheap and flimsy because a bunch of other men have worn the suit ahead. This rental mindset is one tradition that you ought to break.

Escape the Corporate Culture Vibe

When you’re shopping for wedding suits, go for something that you usually wouldn’t wear in the boardroom. You are not there to give a marketing spiel or a lecture. Suit up and pick something new. Go for a three-piece tailored black suit.

Prepare to shell out more than what you’re used to because this will pay off. You can still use the suit jacket and its other parts for various occasions.

Choose the Right Cut

Fit is everything! You may need to spend some time going back to fittings to get the right suit cut that molds to your body. As most guys are, you probably hate shopping, but this is one area where you must make the time. Your wedding will only happen once in your life, so you must make your best effort. A well-fitting suit that is impeccably cut will make you look like a million bucks as it accentuates all your best assets. Picking the best outfit will undoubtedly make your bride blush.

Pick a Fine Fabric

Your tailor can only do some much nipping and tucking. If he starts with cheap fabric, no amount of skill will compensate for a shaky foundation. Your suit’s look will depend on your chosen material, so don’t scrimp on this in your wedding budget. It would be hard to customize a good wedding suit if you start things off with a terrible and sub-par cloth. If you make a mistake of picking a cheap polyester blend with a rough feel to it, you will be miserable at your own wedding.

These fabrics will make you look shapeless and slouchy. Who wants to look like that? Most of all, these cheap materials feel awful on the skin because of their shabby texture. The worst thing you want to happen on your wedding day is to feel uncomfortable and itchy. Focus on your bride and dear guests, but not on your suit that feels like sandpaper on your skin. Moral lesson: never ever scrimp on the material.

Bottom Line

All eyes will definitely turn to your bride. Be proud of that! However, it would be best if you also made it your mission to steal a few glances for yourself. There’s nothing wrong with being dressed to kill on your wedding day. And most of all, suiting up to make the most important woman in your life happy is more than enough.





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