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NH News

How to Make Care Packages for Your Local Homeless Shelter this Holiday Season .

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It’s easy to forget when we’re surrounded by our loved ones celebrating the holidays that there are other people going without. To help spread the magic and joy of the holidays and teach your children what the giving season is all about, here is a care package tutorial. Don’t forget to call your local homeless shelters, women’s resource centers and senior housing complexes to learn more about what they need and in what sized quantity. Click here to find shelters near you.

Making a Care Package: The Full Tutorial

According to findings published by Reuters, there are over 500,000 homeless people in the United States. As many as 3.5 million Americans can be homeless any given time. 8 percent of our homeless population are veterans.

There are multiple reasons people become homeless. Whatever the reason, what they need is support, and the care package you make is one way to show them that someone out there in the world cares about their well-being. Now, let’s take a look at the items that can build a useful care package.

 Materials Needed:

Clear durable zip-lock plastic bags, extra- large and medium sized

Black sharpie marker

Food Stuffs

Beef jerky


Packaged tuna




Hand sanitizer




Lip balm


Toilet paper









Masking tape



Step 1: You will want to pack each care package to fit every item on the list. You will have noticed that we’ve itemized the list by food stuffs, toiletries, and miscellanea. Each care package should be made up of these three components.  Label each medium-sized bag.

Step 2: Fill the labeled bags with their corresponding items. The bags do not have to include everything found on the lists above. Remember, it would benefit you to call your local homeless shelter to get an understanding of what the homeless in your area need. Weather, shelter supplies and beds available will all play a part in what should be included in the care package.

Step 3: Pack the bagged items into one large zip-locked bag. You can distribute these packages directly to the homeless or you can drop them off at the local shelter.

Step 4: To make the care package more personal, include a hopeful handwritten note wishing them happy holidays.

To really make an impact, get your book club or quilting circle in on the action. If anyone you know is looking for a new holiday craft to make, ask them if they would be interested in knitting gloves, a scarf or a beanie or for local homeless community. Maybe you have friends that are talented bakers and have a great high-calorie cookie recipe they can share. The care packages should have one gift, and that can be a pack of three homemade holiday cookies. Meet with your friends or local knitting group and discuss your crafting strengths and how you can share it in a positive way with the community.

Are you looking to do more? Maybe you want to host a spaghetti dinner or pot luck with the money made going to making more care packages for the homeless, perhaps you want to donate the money to the homeless shelter for the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. It’s all about organization and getting the word out. Facebook and Twitter are great social media outlets to recruit and spread the word.  You can also set up a collection on sites like GoFundMe to raise money for your local homeless shelter.

The holidays are about hope, faith and healing. Let’s all come together for a good cause.


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